
Holly Blogging Christmas Party Reveal Day

For those of you who didn't know, I'm on a two week blogging break for the holidays and will be returning Monday, January 6th. So why am I posting today you ask? Because my good blogging friend Joi over at "Rx Fitness Lady" is hosting her "Christmas Eve's Eve Holly Blogging Christmas Party" and of course I'm an invited guest along with 15 other bloggers. We exchanged Christmas gifts and our posts today are all about the big reveal of our gifts!

christmas present reveal party
1) outside cover 2) pens, sticky notes and tabs 3) inside cover

Inside, includes...monthly calendars(dates and holidays pre-filled), weekly blog planners, blog post planning pages, blog to-do list pages, blog idea pages, blog improvement idea pages, blog stats tracker pages, social media planner pages, linky party planner pages, and extras in the back

Let me start off by introducing you to Leslie over at, "Pampers, Play Dates and Parties"! My new virtual blog organizer friend. Her blog is all about balancing motherhood and living life! "PPDP" is chocked full of ideas on party/event planning, recipes, DIY projects and then some! So to all you busy mom bloggers or busy bloggers period, who are in need of some easy ideas to enjoy every day life, head over and visit Leslie's blog! Now that I've introduced you to Leslie, let me rave about her gift. I was pleasantly surprised -to say the least-  by my gift(a custom made 2014 Blog Planner)! Pretty cool huh?! I was impressed, as Leslie took the time to make a very personal gift that will definitely come in handy! You just don't know Leslie how blessed I was to receive this, as! :-) She made sure to cover everything and even gave me extra copies in the back. Did you notice how she color coordinated everything to match my blog! THANK YOU Leslie! Because of you, my blog will definitely go to the next level in 2014 and YES, it will help me to "Do Myself Well" next year! If you'd like to see what the other lovely bloggers received, you can view those HERE.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!!

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  1. What an awesome gift. Did Leslie post an "how to" so I can make one for me :) ... I love the reveals so far. Definitely will be getting more acquainted with Leslie's blog. Merry Christmas Lady. See you soon.

  2. I love the amount of thought that Leslie put into her gift, Michell. I know you'll be putting it to good use.

  3. What a fabulous gift from Leslie! Merry Christmas to you, Michell. I am so thankful for your friendship. Sending you lots of big hugs from Oklahoma City. XOXO

  4. I love how you set up your post Michell! You had me wondering "who made this awesomeness"! Of course when I got to your match, I was like...OF COURSE, only Leslie! Leslie is the best and this gift was right up her DIY alley! So awesome and useful for you. This was so much fun! Thanks for participating especially being that you are on blog vacation! Love ya hun! Enjoy the rest of your break and have a Merry Christmas!

  5. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy 2014!! Blessings. :)

  6. Hello my sweet friend! I took a blogging break for a bit, but really missed reading my favorites! I am praying blessings for your new year! Love you!

  7. So glad you liked it Michell! It was a lot of fun looking around for printables to edit for you. You'll have to let us all know if it's working for you in a few months! (And Hope...I'll probably be posting a tutorial at some point, but you can easily look around the web for free blogging planners, or you can buy one from several Etsy vendors for very reasonable prices!)

  8. P.S. - Sorry it took so long to leave you a message. The post wasn't up yet when I stopped by on the 23rd and we were traveling for the holiday!

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