
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #46 and a few changes

encouragement link up and introduction of my new interior decorating pageHi everyone!! Did I throw you off with my new schedule! For anyone who didn't know, the "DYWW" link-up will now go live by 9:30pm EST on Wednesdays! 

If you didn't enter the $850 cash giveaway...there's still time. You can enter HERE!!

What's new on the blog you asks?
NO,  not my video YET, but that's coming! :-) If you notice up top, I've added another "Page" entitled "My Work - Interior Decorating". Some of you may not know that I interior decorate on the side under "LDL Interiors"(one of my passions actually). Anywho, some of my blogging friends have asked to see my work, so I thought I'd share it here on the blog. Stop by and take a look!  Hint, hint Meredith, this is for you, lol! :-)

Alrighty then! It's Wednesday(even though Thursday's only a few minutes away). You already know what to do. Link up any post(s) you'd like, share with us what you're "doing well", visit some of the blogs in the link-up and give them some encouragement by sharing some comment love' and last, but not least...let them know you're stopping by from the "DYWW" link-up! That about does it!

Until next week, I call you blessed!! :-) 

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  1. I loved seeing your interior decorating was really nice that you shared that with us!! You do beautiful work! I commented over there...I hope that was ok!

  2. Aww...thanks so much Michelle! It sure was okay...thank you! :-) And thanks for linking up!

  3. 3 Michell(e)'s in a row! Now that is absolutely awesome :) Can you keep a secret? I am off tomorrow and Friday to do absolutely nothing! A seminar I was asked to facilitate was cancelled, I had already requested the days off, soo...what was a diva to do? :) Have a fantastic rest of the week and thank you for the link-up!

    1. Haha Michelle!!! :-) Oh that's "doing you well" for sure! Right, what is a diva to do, but enjoy herself! So, on that note...may you have a fantastic weekend lady! Thanks so much for dropping by!

  4. Hi Michell, sorry to break the Michelle run. :) Thanks again for hosting. I always look forward to Doing You Well Wednesdays! See you next week, Darlene

    1. Lol, no problem Darlene! You're so welcome...thank you for linking up! I always look forward to having you stop by! Have a lovely rest of your week!

  5. Michell, I love your new section on your page! And your work is beautiful. I enjoyed looking through the pictures. Thank you for hosting. =)

    1. Aww..thank you so much Stephanie! You're so welcome...thank you for linking up! :-)

  6. I'm giddy with the news of your decorating page!! {I laughed out loud when I saw my name up there, too.} :) I commented on that page, and please excuse the long-winded and ever-enthusiastic commentary. I just think you are a fabulous decorator, and everyone needs to check out that page!!! Well, I'm all linked-up. Thanks for hosting, love! XOXO

    1. Haha Meredith, I knew you would!! That page is dedicated to you, lol! ;-) No apologies necessary...I LOVE interaction and dialogue with my blogging friends..haha! You're so welcome darlin'...thanks for linking up! xoxoxo

  7. Hi Sister! are gifted for SURE, and are welcome to come do my house anytime!!! LOL! :) Thanks for sharing and as always for the link-up!!! Happy, happy Thursday my friend!!! Blessings and joy! Denise

    1. Hey Denise!! Aww, thank you my friend! Haha, I'd love to! Thank you for linking up...blessings and joy to you as well lady! :-)

  8. I didn't know you did interior decorating! How fun! I love to decorate, but I'm not sure how good I am at it. Certainly no one would pay me to do it! :) I just try to keep my home cozy!

    1. Thanks so much Jen! I'm sure you are...we can sometimes be our own worse critic. :-) I always say, it's my if it's cozy, if my family likes it and if those who visit feel welcomed when they enter, then I've created a space that's inviting. So, if you've done that...then you can design for sure my friend! :-D Have a good one Jen!!

  9. Michell, I took a look at your interior decorating page, it's beautiful! You have really good taste in design and some lovely homes! Thanks for hosting each week and have a wonderful day my friend.


    1. Hi Heather...thanks so much my friend for your lovely compliments! You're so welcome...thank you for linking up! May you have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

  10. Hi Michell! So happy to link up here and on Twitter! I saw your tweet to day, so I headed on over. What fun!
    Thank you for the chance to share blogging with new friends. And thank you for your support in my new blogging adventure too.

    1. Hi Ceil, thanks so much! You're so welcome...thank you for linking up! Anytime my friend...I'm definitely loving your new site!! Have a blessed rest of your weekend!

  11. Hey Michell! I'll check out your new page. Great idea to add to the site. I'm linking up two posts. Thanks!

    1. Hey Kimberly! Thank you and thanks for linking up lady! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

  12. Aren't you full of surprises darling! Will you come all the way here to hook a sister up :) Have a great rest of the week! I'm off to Bilouxi, WHOOP!

    1. Haha Joi...I sure will girl!! Have fun my friend! Enjoy your trip!! :-)

  13. Thanks for the link up! This week there has been a snow day every day so far. Tomorrow will make it a strike.

    1. Thanks for linking up! Oh wow! Yeah, it's been freezing here in SC. Yesterday we had an all new high/low...IKR! 33 broke the record for the low AND for the high, lol! This morning we got down to 16....definitely cold for the south, haha! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend...hope the snow melts soon!

  14. Thanks so much, Michelle, for hosting! God bless you.

    1. You're so welcome my friend...thanks so much for linking up! Blessings!

  15. Hi Michell. I had not idea you are an interior designer. I love interior design...especially since I'm so lousy at it! So glad you added it to the page. Have a lovely weekend my dear!

    1. Haha're funny!! :-) Thanks for stopping by and may you have a lovely weekend as well darlin'!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)