
Mastering YOU Monday...try not to break

mastering life by making adjustments and being flexible
Welcome back to our first “Mastering YOU Monday” of 2014! Okay, what better way to start off the new year than to start it off fresh and new. I’ve been seeing all over the bloggersphere the “One Word for 2014” prompt. At first, I wasn’t going to participate, but I was inspired by my blogging friend Joi to do so. I’m a little late to the game, but I came nonetheless! So what is my word for 2014 you ask? Flexible!! Yes, flexible! 

So here’s my “transparency” moment.
Over my almost three week blogging break, I must admit…I enjoyed it so that I didn’t want to come back. I was getting what everyone calls “bloggy burnout”. I couldn’t keep up with my comments, I wasn’t able to interact with other bloggers like I wanted to, I was helping my husband run the ministry and on top of that running a household. Let’s just say that I was “doing life” and non-stop at that! As a matter of fact, I may need to go take nap after posting this. Seriously though, I was starting to feel overwhelmed and discouraged about blogging. I needed some serious encouragement y'all. I'm sure some of you bloggers out there have been there, done that! Yep, that’s right, I contemplated putting my blog on the shelf and instead concentrate on my new passion, writing my first book…when I felt like it, not because I had to go by this rigid and strict schedule. Now you see why my word for this year is “flexible”.

What I learned over those weeks is that everything is NOT set in stone! We must be able to make adjustments, to make it work! Regardless of how our plans start out…we should always be opened for tweaking, altering, fine-tuning and changing those plans, if needed. The only way we can do this and not fall apart is to remain flexible! Which means…capable of being bent, usually without breaking; susceptible of modification or adaptation, adaptable or pliable. Our father-in-the-faith, Dr. Mark T. Barclay has a proverb that my husband and I have lived by, which goes like this…”Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken”! Very wise words indeed, wouldn’t you say?

mastering life by making adjustments and being flexible

You see, I’ve always thought I had this proverb covered in my life, but when I felt the burnout from blogging, I realized then that I wasn’t applying it at all! When we’re flexible, we allow the peace of God to reign in our lives. Anxiety, concern, distress, fret and frustration must leave when God’s peace comes on the scene and we apply Godly wisdom to the situation! So I’m committed to being flexible in all areas of my life in the year 2014, because who really wants to sit in a corner and pull their hair out…definitely not me. So what, if I have to redo my video and my blogging schedule, who cares! Whatever it takes for me to keep my peace and sanity, hey I’ll do it…why, because I’m flexible! With that being said,  I perused my blog and found excerpts from an old post that speaks to this very subject! So, I picked it up, dusted it off and would love to share it with you! Read on.....

“I GIVE UP”…the perfect place to be!! You’re probably saying to yourself…WHAT?! Yep…just where God wants us! My husband has a saying that goes like this – "don’t fret, don’t worry and don’t try to make anything happen". In other words, if it’s not working out - DON’T get worked up about it…go back to the drawing board! Do you know how many times we’ve gotten frustrated and discombobulated because OUR plans didn’t go the way we wanted them to go – albeit, not once asking God if it was the plan He had for us. God wants to have TOTAL control of our lives; YES, that even includes OUR plans. You know how we are, especially us women? We know without a shadow of a doubt that OUR agendas are just heaven sent, because WE’VE spent tireless, countless hours working on them; so they MUST be the plans of the Lord…yeah right!  Many of you may disagree with my next statement, but I would have to say that most men have fewer stress related issues than women because they don’t take what they’re doing that serious(well, most men). :-) You may disagree and that's your right.;-)  Seriously though, we’ve spent endless hours worrying and have wasted plenty of time getting discouraged over things we don’t and will probably never have control over.  Don’t get me wrong, plans are GREAT, however OUR plans always leave us with the feeling that we’ve fallen short of what we were really suppose to do. Remember, an agenda out of the will of God WILL NEVER be fruitful; it’ll always leave us feeling frustrated and discouraged. If you ever feel as if you’re headed down this road ladies…scrap your plans, regroup, but most importantly, consult God. God's girls ALWAYS consult the Lord before doing anything! ;-))"

With that being said…my new blogging schedule is as follows: I will continue my “Mastering YOU Monday” every Monday. The “Doing YOU WELL Wednesday” linky-party will go live at 11:30pm EST Wednesday night as opposed to 12:01am Wednesday morning. Why, because I wanted a longer stretch between my Monday and Wednesday posts and if it’s “DYWW”, the date should at least have Wednesday in it, don’t cha think? And finally, I will no longer be doing “Michell’s Weekly Pearl” on Fridays. It was a great series and I enjoyed sharing it with everyone, but in this season I won't be posting them. However,  I will still answer questions for my readers, but, will be doing so privately via email. BTW...don’t worry Joi, I’ll still write that book, lol! Proverbs 3:5-6
 All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2014 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam

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  1. I have to say, I've enjoyed my blogging break, but it's given me pause for thought. I was doing too much on it before because I thought I would lose momentum, if not. Now I've read your post and I agree, I need to calm down and be realistic and fit it around my family......and enjoy blogging again!

    Louisa - My Family & Abruzzo

    1. Hey Lulu! I know, I did too! Exactly, I don't want to get so overwhelmed that I start to dislike something I actually LOVE doing! Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday!

  2. It IS hard to come back from a blogging break. I've been right where you are SO many times. Blogging really can be overwhelming. {I will say that if you ever said goodbye to blogging I'd be so sad!!} Michell, I am the worst at being flexible. So I, too, have had to really harness my plan-changing abilities. Sometimes I'll have plans - even simple plans to shower - and the kids need extra help and the moment passes. I agree 100% that men don't take things so seriously and have less stress about being flexible. My husband will look at me when family plans change {with our parents} and he'll be like, "What's the big deal?" LOL! Anyway, I can relate to your post. Thanks for all the advice. XOXO

    1. Haha Meredith! My husband does the same thing...don't they annoy you with their inability to get flustered, lol!!! Oh yes, it's the small things that I'm conquering, but I can testify girl that I'm getting there! Have a good one Meredith! xoxoxo

  3. Thanks for continuing to write. Schedules can cause so much stress. As Meredith said, I also have difficulty with being flexible. This is a post that I really needed to read. I have had much practice in flexibility lately - since my mother-in-law has been in the hospital. She had open heart surgery a few days ago. As a family, we have learned to put certain things on hold. At the same time, we have practiced flexibility because certain things in life must go on, regardless to what is or is not happening. May God bless you in all of your endeavors!

    1. Praying for your mother-in-law's speedy recovery! Yes, sometimes life helps us put other things on hold don't they Trinity! Thanks so much for stopping by my friend! ;-)

  4. Boy have I been there..blogging burnout, but I think flexibility was built into my DNA because I took breaks when I felt like it, responded when I got the time and post as regular or irregular as "life" would allow. Blogging for me, remains a hobby. Hobbies are supposed to be fun and I'm still having fun. I'll miss your weekly pearls...but I'll definitely be connecting as much as I can. I love that passage. Our lives should be at "I give up' for it's only then that we can give in to God's plan for us. Thank you so much for that reminder.

    1. Hey Hope! Yes, I'm learning to do that without regret..."respond when I have the time, post as regular or as irregular as "life" will allow." Knowing that my friends will understand and still be there when I return! THANK YOU for the reminder my friend!

  5. You totally turned my frown upside down with that last line, lol! I was feeling gut punched, ROTFL. I was like, Awh man..I told her how much I loved that series (seriously can't stop laughing while I type). I get it for sure tho and agree with you on the flexibility. I've had the came feelings as you and thus I changed my blogging schedule as you know and LOVE it. SO WHAT is the motto for 2014 :) I'm glad you did the one word post. This was a good one & yes very wise advice for us all. Thanks! Happy to have you a while longer!

    1. Lol Joi! You know I had to add that in! ;-) I'm loving my new schedule too...thanks for helping me "see the light" girl! No pressure and no stressing! I like that...the "new" motto...SO WHAT! Might I add..."IT IS WHAT IT IS", lol! Glad to be hanging around a while longer also! Have a good one Joi!

  6. Oh how this applies to me! At first I was terribly upset and depressed when my blogger account crashed, and I didn't keep in touch or do any writing. It got to the point where I thought I would just give up trying to reconnect! But how I missed fellowship with my dear sisters! I am so glad to be back, and read this inspiring post my friend! Thanks for the lovely message you sent me; you are an awesome blessing! :)

    1. glad you didn't give up my friend! Yes, there is some sweet fellowship with our blogging friends! So glad to have you back! You are a blessing as well! Love ya sis! xoxo

  7. This BLESSED me today, and I needed these very words for my soul. Love you sister.

  8. AMEN to this Michell!!! I DO think women are more likely to toss and turn and get all wrapped up in their agenda... good Lord knows I DO!!!

    Prayer prayer prayer.... when abide in Him, we realize the priorities and the patience we must have in being flexible with OUR timing and OUR plans!! Oh yes- such a great reminder!!

    Good for YOU for making changes that encourage and inspire you- not discourage and deplete you! We all need to do that... an ongoing lesson I'm sure. :)

    1. Yes it is Chris! I have to constantly remind myself everyday that I can't be everything to everybody and you know what? That's okay! :-) My life is less stressful and I'm enjoying living out the beginning of my second half, lol! Love you girl! ;-)

  9. Good for you, Michell. We always need to step back and inspect what we are doing and why. It's healthy and promotes sanity and spiritual growth. Take care.

    1. Yes it does Cynthia...and has it ever! Like I told Chris, I'm less stressful and I'm enjoying my life again! Blessings my friend! ;-)

  10. i agree we need to be more flexible. me in particular! i get so headstrong on doing something some way, and getting all the details now, that if it doesn't go that way, then whoah...i have a freakout! i don't want to be like that. flexibility is key. God's will always prevails.

    1. I know what you mean!! I used to get frazzled and worked up if things just didn't go as planned, but I got tired of living like that too. Now my mantra is..."it is what it is", lol! Yes He does Catherine! And knowing that He's got our back makes it that much easier, doesn't it? ;-)

  11. Cosign re: blogging burnout. I felt guilty taking a break in late December/early January, but boy! Did I need it!?
    Love your One Word. We all could stand to be more flexible. I know I definitely do. God can't do much when we're ramrod straight and have no pliability. Kudos to you for listening to the Holy Spirit and obeying. Hugs, Ali

    1. Hey Ali! Yes girl...sometimes I know He sits on the sidelines and just shakes His head at us, lol! Our breaks were refreshing weren't they and MUCH needed! I mean, we can't be good bloggers if we burn out, right! :-) I say we take a mandated monthly blogging break, lol! Have a good one Ali!!

  12. Hello, Michelle. I'm looking forward to getting to know you this week via the #SITSBlogging tribe building challenge. I enjoyed reading about your word for 2014. I'm doing it for the first time this year. I SHOULD have chosen flexible, because that's a MAJOR struggle of mine. I applaud you for striving for more of it in your life, and for putting it into practice with your adjusted blogging schedule!

    1. Hey there Shana!! I'm looking forward to connecting with you too!! Thanks so much! Yes, flexibility is hard for those of us(like myself), who like to be in control, lol! This new blogging schedule is working great for me and sooo stress-free! Thanks for stopping by...headed over to your blog now!

  13. Whew! I'm so glad you're not leaving us lingering in the blogosphere! I can definitely relate to needing that much-needed break - the longer you're gone the easier it seems to just stay a little longer. Flexibility is a great word to embrace for 2014. That "so what" attitude is often one that leads to so much less stress and anxiety over things that in the grand scheme of things are not high priorities.


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)