
Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #45 and an $850 cash giveaway!!

an encouragement link up and a cash giveaway
Happy HUMP DAY everyone!! Welcome back to the first "DYWW" of 2014! So much has happened since we last linked up. Hope you and your families had a wonderful holiday! 

What a way to kick off the New Year by helping my friend Angel celebrate her birthday with an $850 giveaway! All you have to do is enter via the Rafflecopter below and follow the directions.

If you missed stopping by last week, my husband and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary!! Yayyy for us!! :-D You can read that post HERE...let's just say, if you love the 80's, you'll enjoy reading this post. 

And some sad news to pass along to you. I mentioned this to those of you in the "DYW" FB group two weeks ago, but some of you may not have heard. A dear blogging friend of mine, who stopped by and linked up here frequently, passed away in her sleep on New Years Day. Please keep the family of Judy Houghton, who blogged over at "Judy H-J's Thoughts", in your prayers. Joi wrote an excellent post dealing with this very same matter. Because most of us are only connected via the internet, when we don't see someone around, we should check up on them. Don't you agree?

Okay, on to the link-up AND the cash giveaway! You all know what to up your post(s)*any you'd like*, tell us what you're "doing well" this week, drop by some other blogs in the link-up, show them some encouragement by sharing some comment love and please let them know you're dropping by from the "DYWW" link-up. FYI...starting next week, the new time for the link-up to go live will be 11:50pm Wednesday night, instead of 12:01am Wednesday morning. Alrighty then...on to the giveaway!

What would you do with an extra $850?

Well, here's your chance to win $850 in 
Sew Crafty Angel's Birthday Giveaway Event!
Thanks to some amazing supporters of Sew Crafty Angel we were able to come together collectively with a CASH PRIZE of $850.

an encouragement link up and a cash giveaway

Meet your AWESOME Co-Hosts
and encouragement link up and a cash giveaway
(From top - Left to Right)
(From top - Left to Right)

And our lovely Sponsors!

Now, are you ready to Win some CASH?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Please read all the official rules of sweepstakes and contests held by Sew Crafty Angel*

Co-Hosts and participants of this giveaway are not allowed to enter the drawing.  
Giveaway is open worldwide to participants with a verified PayPal account except where prohibited by law.  All entries will be verified. In the event an entry can not be verified participant chooses to forfeit that entry and another winner will be chosen. Anyone that claims an entry but fails to comply with the entry task will be deemed ineligible and forfeit any prizes. All winner entries will be verified.

Winner has 48 hours to respond to the winning email.
Giveaway will run from January 15th, 12:01 AM Eastern Time to January 31st, 12:01 AM Eastern Time

Any taxes or fees associated with the winnings of this contest are the sole responsibility of the winner according to their county, state and/or country laws.
By participating in any sweepstakes and/or giveaways on Sew Crafty Angel you consent to abide by the official rules set forth by Sew Crafty Angel.

Winner Selection/Notification
The winner will be drawn randomly through Rafflecopter which uses A winner may be asked to provide additional information if necessary to confirm their entries. Once a winner is chosen, they will be notified via email after the verification of entries; Usually within 48 hours of the completion of the sweepstakes and/or giveaway. The winner will also be announced on the Rafflecopter form on the original giveaway blog post. The winner has 48 hours to respond to claim their prize.

If the winner does not respond within the 48 hours allotted time then a new winner will be verified and chosen.

Sew Crafty Angel reserves the right to use your first name and last first initial in order to announce the prize winner; the right to tell the sponsor of the prize the proper information including but not limited to:  Full Name, Full Address, Email Address, Phone Number and anything needed to claim the prize.

Winner will be paid using PayPal. Sew Crafty Angel will be sending the winning funds into your verified Paypal account via Paypal. Any fees associated with the winnings and deposit of funds into the winner’s PayPal account will be the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY of the winner. Sew Crafty Angel and/or any supporters, sponsors of the giveaway will NOT be responsible for fees taken out of winnings by PayPal.  All Federal, State and Local Taxes with regards to receiving a prize are the Sole Responsibility of the giveaway winner.

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  1. I'm saddened by the loss of your blog friend. I did see it in the FB group. I thought about that post you linked and wondered how you found out so quickly.

    This rafflecopter is insane, lol! Hope I win! Thx for hosting the link and cohosting giveaway!

    1. Hey Joi! I wouldn't have known if I wasn't FB friends with her. I just happened to see in my news feed that people were posting condolences on her wall, so I went to look and sure enough it was true! That's why I think it's so important that we as bloggers connect other than through our blogs, so we can at least know.

      IKR...INSANITY, lol!!! Keep your fingers crossed girrrlll! :-D Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed week Joi!

  2. I'm so sorry for the loss of your blogging friend. I lost a cyber friend this summer and it was very difficult. Keeping you my prayer.

    Thank you, for the link-up, Michell.

    1. Yeah it is tough isn't it, sorry for your loss as well. Even though we don't see each other in person, we bloggers have definitely formed a friendship and bond.

      You're so welcome Cynthia...THANK YOU for linking up!

  3. My thoughts and prayers are with Judy's family. We cannot take anyone of anything for granted.

    For DYWW, I'm slowly but surely getting back to me! It's been a good journey thus far. :) Blessings!!!

    1. We sure can't Lisi! :-) Awesome! I feel you, this blogging break I took over the holidays was definitely an eye-opener for me. Glad you're getting back to YOU...blessings to you as well my friend!

  4. I'm so sorry about the loss of your blogging friend, that's so sad. I hope and pray the family is doing ok. Thank you for the party Michell and hope you're having a great week.


    1. Thanks so much Heather!! You're so welcome...I thank you for always stopping by and joining in, I really appreciate it! I am and hope you are as well!

  5. I am so sorry for the loss of your blog friend. I remember your post on FB. My heart goes out to her family. I think I've missed a few linkups during my blogging break, but I am back! Have a great week!

    1. Hey Michelle! Thank you! No worries my friend, this is the first one since the middle of you didn't miss a thing, lol! I'm sure you can agree that December was like a blur...I'm so glad to finally have a slow(er) season! :-) Have a great week yourself! :-)

  6. Thanks for hosting! Boy have you had a busy year so far!

    1. Haha! Oh yes...I guess it's a sign of what's to come, huh? Lol!! Thanks so much for linking up...have a good one!!

  7. Praying for all those affected by the loss of Judy. What a huge turn out you've had for this!

    1. Thanks so much Jen!! Yes, I've been a part of giveaways before, but this is the biggest yet, lol! Have a good one Jen! ;-)

  8. How devastating about this blogger... I wonder if I knew her or read her at all? I can't place the name or the blog. I will surely be praying for her family.

    This rafflecopter was CRAZY!! I gave up 20 minutes into it- my ADD got the best of me! LOL (I still pray I win though!!!)

    1. Hey Chris, you might have...I've featured her in the "DYWW" link up once. She was a part of the DYW FB group, but didn't come on often.

      Bahaha, girl IKR!! I was going through it to get to my comments and almost gave up, LOL!! Praying with you sis! ;-)

  9. Oh Michell, Judy was the first blogger to reach out to me a few months ago when I started blogging. She was my very very first comment! I pray her and her twin sister are dancing with Jesus. I am truly stunned right now. Happy to see you back, I've missed you. You're right, when someone is not around like usual we should stop by one of their "media places" and check on them. Have a blessed week.

    1. Oh wow Debbie!! How sweet...she was truly a sweetheart! I was stunned too. I went to look on her blog and saw that she had commented only a few days earlier and I even think she was suppose to be a part of this sad. Yes, she definitely loved her twin didn't she. You're right, we should, and I've been so bad at doing that. I promised myself I'll get better at checking on my blogging friends. So glad to be back my friend...may you have a blessed week as well! ;-)

  10. Sorry to hear about the loss of your blogging friend Michell. It brings up a question I have ponder from time to time ever since reading an article about what happens with all our social media accounts after we pass away.

    1. Yes Wanda, I often ponder that too. My family would definitely let everyone know through social media and my daughter would have the blogging community covered for sure. ;-) It's something you don't want to think about, but we should have a plan in place. Thanks for linking up Wanda...have a blessed week my friend!

  11. It's great to be co-hosting this Giveaway with you! I was checking to make sure that I was following you in all ways & turns out that I wasn't following you on facebook - now I am. (all other ways already followed).

    1. Hey Angie! yes, it is exciting and it's going strong! Thanks for stopping by my friend...have a good one!

  12. Thanks for hosting, and thank you again for sharing the news about Judy. :(

    This giveaway is epic, Michell! Hope you have a fabulous week!

    1. You're so welcome Meredith! Yes it is epic...crazy right, lol! You do the same darlin'! ;-)

  13. Hi Michell! Judy's passing is heartbreaking. I have visited her site in the past and seen her profile and comments on your page as well as many others. Praying for her family especially since they have dealt with other family losses in recent years.

    The giveaway is fantastic! How great that so many people could come together to make it happen. I would pay off some credit card debt if I won the $850. I'm linking up two recent posts and entering the giveaway. I'm doing well on this Wednesday because I woke up this morning. Hope to see you at Traffic Jam Weekend which goes live tomorrow evening.

    1. Yeah it was heartbreaking wasn't it sad! :(

      I've been a part of many giveaways, but this one has to be the biggest I've been a part of! I'd do the same, but too bad I can't enter, lol! Amen girl! That is definitely "doing yourself well"! Hate that I missed it this month! ;(

  14. Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway! I would spend the $ on a summer vaca to the Mayan Riviera with hubby!


    1. Ooh, sounds like fun! You're so welcome...thanks for stopping by Tiffany!

  15. Thanks for the giveaway & for hosting & God bless!

    1. Hi Laurie! You're so welcome my friend...thanks for stopping by! Blessings to you too my friend!! :-)

  16. I just read the exchange between you and Joi, I was wondering how you found out. I have connected with a lot of people outside of blogging. One person in particular has cancer but doesn't write about it for the most part. She isn't on any other SM so if some time goes by and she hasn't commented on my blog or hasn't written on hers I get worried. I do have her e-mail and I've used it to say, "Hey girl - checkin' on you.."

    1. That's great Kenya!! We all need to check on one another like that! Praying for her complete healing in Jesus' name! Have a wonderful rest of your week!

  17. So sorry to hear about your Internet friend. I had dropped over to that site a few times.
    This is a wonderful togetherness contest. Well done.
    Money would be spent to bring Christian writers together. Not sure how. But some how - God will advise.
    Blessings on your writing,

    1. Oh Janis, that sounds like a wonderful idea my friend!! Yes He will! Thanks for dropping by...have a blessed week!

  18. If I won, then I would put the money towards getting our only vehicle fixed and put the rest towards food.

    1. Sounds great Jenna...practical and wise!! Thanks for stopping by and entering! Have a wonderful rest of your week!!

  19. if i won the giveaway I would buy a plane ticket home to see my boyfriend one weekend during this semester and any extra would probably go towards a nice date night

    1. sweet! He'd really appreciate that! Thanks for dropping by! ;-)

  20. I remembered when you posted her passing. I went to her web page and read some of her posts. My prayers remain with the family.
    I did me well this week by getting a new cell phone :) (that may not count)
    I got a little dizzy looking at all the entry I'm gonna do my best to follow a few and enter as much as I can. I'd love to win :) I'd use the cash for a blog conference.

    1. Mine are too Hope, thanks!! Yayy, for new cell phones, lol! A blogging conference would be fun...I'm definitely going to one this year!! :-)

  21. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts are with you. This week I've been staying more on top of my household chores. Yay me!

    1. Thanks so much!! Staying on top of chores is a BIG DEAL! Yes...yayy for you! :-) Thanks for stopping by! ;-)

  22. I am saddened by the loss of Judy. Thank you for letting us know. I knew that she had not posted in quite a while. I assumed that maybe she was taking a break. I will miss Judy and the sweet comments that she often left on my blog. May she rest in peace.

    1. Yes me too Trinity! She was definitely a sweetheart, always leaving sweet comments on the blog. She will truly be missed! Thanks so much Trinity for your kind words about Judy! Blessings my friend!

  23. What WOULDN'T I do!!! :) Honestly, I'd finally buy all of the things I want from Etsy, so I could support small business minded friends and get great things.

    Happy anniversary to you and I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Blogging friends are REAL, and so loss is loss. Hugs to you.

    Popping over from the SITS FB group. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I like that idea of supporting small businesses! Thanks so much for the anniversary well wishes! Yes, blogging friends are REAL aren't they! Thanks for the cyber hugs! :-) Have a wonderful rest of your week! Thanks for stopping by!

  24. Thinking of Judy's family. I am so sorry to hear of her loss. That is just devastating.-Ashley

    1. I know...such a bummer! She was the sweetest! Thanks for stopping by Ashley!!

  25. I am sorry to hear of Judy's passing. I remember reading her blog on occasion. That is so sad!

    1. Thanks Rabia! It is very sad!! :( Thanks for dropping by!

  26. If I won, I would use it to help pay for speech therapy for my son.

  27. I'm sorry to hear about Judy's passing. Friendship, whether it be in person or online, is such a blessing. We should always remember to appreciate and cherish the time we share with the people who brighten our lives everyday.

    As for the amazing giveaway... I would treat myself to a new kindle and an outfit or two and the rest would go towards buying groceries and paying bills. Thanks!

  28. If I won $850, I'd use it to bankroll my 25th anniversary trip to California with my husband!

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Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)