
Age ain't nothing but a number...

Carmen Dell'Orefice
While watching the TODAY SHOW a few weeks ago, I stumbled across a segment that inspired me so, I felt compelled to write about it. It was about an 81 year old fashion model…YES, I said 81. I’m not talking about a onetime “bucket list” experience that someone who just celebrated their  81st birthday wanted to do, just to say they did it. NO, she had been modeling since
the ripe age of 6 and hasn’t stopped yet!  You may say she’s too old, but I tell you she impressed me; and that’s hard to do! Let me introduce you to Ms. Carmen Dell’Orefice - supermodel extraordinaire, still struttin’ the runway, Vogue magazine’s longest running model, just recently did “Fashion Week” in New York - Carmen Dell’Orefice! She’s considered the world’s oldest “working” model. She told Jenna Bush Hagar of the Today Show, “I don’t know if it’s good or silly” (speaking of her modeling), “It’s what I enjoy doing and I’m able to do it”. Wow! Don’t get me wrong, hands down, I think Ms. Dell’Orefice is absolutely GORGEOUS, but I don’t think that’s necessarily what makes her beautiful. I personally think it’s the level of confidence she has that radiates for ALL to see! How many of us have reached the age of 60, 50, 40 and heck some of us 30; and have already thrown in the towel, have put yourselves on the waiting list at your local retirement center, and have said to yourselves, “my time is up, I’m too old for this” or “I can’t start that now, it’s too late for me”, while reaching for your bottle of Geratol? Well, I hope you’re as convicted and inspired as I was when I first read this story. God says in His Word that He will satisfy our mouths with good things so that our youth is renewed like the eagles’...WOW! Ms. Dell’Orefice has proven to us all, that it’s not about how old you are, it’s about how old you feel! I guess the “age old” adage is true…age ain’t nothing but a number! You go girl…AHEM…I mean ma’am!! :-)
 Psalm 103:5(Amplified)

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. Michell, thank you for sharing! Ms. Dell'Orefice is gorgeous and such an inspiration. No throwing in the towel here! ;)

    1. Thanks Scarlett! Yes she IS and you're right...I'm not throwing in the towel either! Lol ;-)

  2. Love this... how cool. Yes... confidence (especially in the Lord, eh!?) = RADIATING beauty. :) Awesome!!

    1. Yes Dana...I agree! There's nothing more beautiful than a woman who exudes confidence in the Lord! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Replies
    1. IKR...she's definitely inspiring! Thanks YVG for visiting my blog!;-))

  4. What a great post. She is an inspiration. Even at 26 (I know young) I sometimes feel like throwing in the towel too. Esp with a nearly two year old who makes me work all day & a husband who can be gone all the time. Thanks for the pick me up!

  5. Thanks Stacey! Yes, she's definitely an inspiration! Oh boy, I remember those days, hang in does get better! Drop by as often as you'd like...thanks again for visiting! May you have a stress free week1;-))

  6. Michell, this is right on the money! So true!

  7. Thanks Quanie...and thanks for stopping by!;-)

  8. Thanks for the reminder that age IS just a number! She is one very inspiring gal! Stopping by from SITS Saturday Sharefest! :)

    1. Lol...yes it IS Paula! She most definitely is...thanks for dropping by, I'll go check out your blog!;-))

  9. This is SO true! More women need to have this mindset because the older we become, the more experience we have to live the life we want!
    I found you from SITS and have become your newest follower. I hope you have a wonderful weekend xo

    1. Couldn't agree with you more Georgina! Thanks so much...hope you have an AWESOME weekend as well!! I'm heading over to check out your blog now!;-))

  10. She is soooo gorgeous! I want to be JUST like her when I grow up! thank you for sharing!!

    1. Lol Schnelle...IKR, me too! Thanks for dropping by!;-))

  11. I can't believe I missed this! Must have been when I was away from the TV. Visiting from SITS. The model is simply beautiful.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This woman is so inspiring! She actually empowers us women to pursue our dreams no matter how old or how many setbacks or failures we may have had. Great post Michell!

    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog and the follow. Now following you too!

  14. Thanks Anne! Yes...couldn't agree with you more! She has definitely inspired me for sure! Thanks for stopping by!;-))

  15. I think women can accomplish amazing things when they follow their passions and strive for the best life they can provide for themselves. It's all about trying to live the ver best version of yourself everyday (or as often as possible).

    So glad I stopped by from SITS. Thank you for following my work!


  16. Couldn't agree with you more's all about being the best YOU! Thanks for stopping by...can't wait to see more of your post!;-)


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