
Don't break him!

honoring our husbands
 Contrary to what you may have been told, a man’s ego is a very fragile thing. Every time we tell him how he didn’t do something right, look at him with disdain if he says or does something WE deem to be stupid, or scold him as if he’s some child…we chip away at his ego bit by bit. Some of us have done it for so long, we don’t
even recognize we’re doing it, but everyone else around us sees it; which puts them in an awkward position. Whenever I see this, I cringe with disgust. He walks away dejected with his head down, wondering if anyone saw what just occurred, while she carries on as if she’s done the female “society” some great big favor!  I don’t care how you dress it up ladies, just as WE are; men are going to love what is lovely to them! You do the math. If a man is not shown the honor that goes with his position, then he WILL NOT lead correctly! There's nothing worse than a misguided unit. Because of her disobedience, God told Eve in Genesis 3:16(part B), “Your desire shall be for your husband”…which translates “Your desire shall be to rule(dominate) your husband”. These aren’t Michell’s words; these are God’s words! To want our husband’s role of leadership is so NOT the will of God! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that if it’s not the will of God, then obviously it’s something we SHOULDN’T be doing. It’s not whether I can do a better job than my husband, it’s about walking in the ROLE God gave ME! Remember much as it may totally annoy you; it is better that your husband’s job be done IMPERFECTLY by him, than be done EXCELLENTLY by you! Ask God today to free you from the curse of Eve in EVERY area of your life! God’s girls know how to stay in their lane…vroom vroom! 

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam



  1. Amen!! Good word!!! and what a great reminder!!!! I love this post!!!


    1. Thanks so much Stacey for your encouraging words!! Thanks for stopping by!;-)

  2. Yep, this is an on time Word. The Lord reminded me of this early this morning.

    1. Lol, He loves us that much and wants to see us succeed! He sends us reminders all the time...our job is to make sure we heed to them. Thanks for stopping by!;-)

  3. Thanks Quanie and thanks for stopping by!;-)

  4. It is so tempting though isn't it? Oh to be free from this sinful nature!

  5. Oh yes it is...tempting indeed! May we ALL be free from our stinkin' flesh! ;-) Thanks for stopping by Esther!

  6. I admit it, I need to work on not chipping away at that ego!

  7. You're not alone...I think we all have to work at that!;-0 Thanks for stopping by!;-)

  8. OOOH ouch! Conviction. This was a good thing to read. I never thought of praying to be rid of Eve's curse like that. Thanks

    1. IKR, me too!;-)Thanks for stopping by Linda...have a blessed day!:-)

  9. Great entry, I look forward to following and reading your posts :)

    1. Thanks so much Cindee! I'll head over and check yours out also...thanks for dropping by!:-)

  10. Truth said sister, we must not break ranks. God's way is the best no matter how difficult it may be. God help us all to be encouragers to our husbands and sons.
    Thanks for sharing, have a super blessed day!

    1. Thanks sis!'re so right! You do the same love! Congrats again!;-))

  11. I love this! As a natural leader myself and him being a little more laid back, this is something I have to work on daily.

    1. Thanks Proverbs 31! With women having more roles in leadership(workplace, ministry, etc.), there's a fine line that can sometimes get crossed. We all have to work at this on a daily basis. Thanks for stopping by! ;-)

  12. I like this and these are true words. Alot of women need to hear this including me.

    1. You're so right Crystal! It's so easy to fall into the trap. We see it everywhere, but especially on t.v. Wives usurping their husband's authority and thinking it's okay, when in all actuality, it's so far from God's Word. Thanks for stopping by Crystal!;-)

  13. I agree! Despite what others may say, I still believe that men need to wear the pants in the house. Women have an equally important role and without us doing that, marriage is most likely to fail.

    1. Oh yes Anne! My husband always says, anything with two heads is a monster/! But, it's so true. Wives have to be assured in the roles God gave them and be satisfied with that, knowing that He knew exactly what He was doing when He established them. Thanks for visiting Anne!;-))

  14. Great blog, liked it!
    Cheers from Argentina.

  15. What a great way to encourage us ladies to build others up and not to tear them down with our words.

    1. Thanks true, we ALL must learn to do this more. Thanks again for stopping by!;-)

  16. SO glad I found you through SITS!!! LOVE your inspirational words!!! I absolutely agree with this post! I posted a blog about my husband as I try so hard to lift him up in respect and honor all he is with my words and deeds. But it isn't always easy...I fall short many many times. Check it out and I am sure you will want to chime in with loving remarks!!! Love your blog...will definately be following you!!

  17. Thanks so much Chris for your inspiring words. We all fall short at times, don't we? I'm headed over to your blog now. Thanks for the follow, will be following you as well! Thanks again for dropping by.

  18. Amen! I am so glad I'm not the only woman on the planet that sees the sensitivity of my man's ego. It is Biblical. Men need women and women need men, so why are we always fighting?? The truth is we don't have to! And then everyone is happier :)

    1. Oh yes Rachel...I totally agree! It's called "selfLESSness"...definitely a lost art, especially in the Body of Christ. Thanks for stopping by!;-))


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)