
Other people's affairs...


Are you a busybody? You just may be if you’re a person who “forces” yourself into the lives and affairs of others; or if you’re a gossiper, a troublemaker, or a talebearer concerning someone else. You know the ones whose lives are “so together”, that they have sooo much time on their hands to judge and worry about others…yeah, right! Yep, we all have come across them at some point in our lives, and yes, some of us have even been guilty ourselves, but
thank God we’re no longer! ;-)  Ladies, God has not called us to be the Kingdom “SWAT team”. Trust me, He’s got this – He needs NO help! Our only job is to bring people into the Kingdom by showing them the love of Christ - God and their spiritual leaders will do the rest. Give the Holy Spirit a chance to do His job. There are so many people who’ve been turned off from the Body of Christ, because we don’t know how to do what Jesus did…that is; loving them into His Kingdom! He hasn’t called us to be critical and judgmental, but to love and encourage. Listen, God hates this spirit so much, He put it in the same category as a murderer, a thief and an evildoer; don’t believe me…read 1 Peter 4:15. Our HOME is, and should always be our FIRST ministry. Many times our homes are in chaos as a result of us not maintaining them, because we’re so busy in other people’s affairs. Ladies, don’t let your homes go to ruin by neglecting them, because you’re concerning yourself with things that don’t concern you. I don’t care what ANYONE says, if our own homes are out of order, how on earth can we minister to anyone else or even find the time to even THINK about anyone else for that matter? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about friends who want to hold each other accountable and be an encouragement, because the Bible teaches us that “iron sharpens iron” and that we are to encourage one another to “good works”. However, if you ALWAYS seem to see the faults and failures in everyone else, but FAIL or REFUSE to see them in yourself…my friend you’re in a very bad spot. You are what we call “deceived”. There’s nothing more exasperating than a meddling woman. If you always find yourself getting worked up and out of sorts about what others are or aren’t doing…then you just may be a busy body. ;-) If we have been guilty of being in this position, there’s no time like the present to STOP! And besides, it's so unbecoming to any daughter of His! ;-) I encourage you ladies to mind your OWN business, that way; you’ll guarantee yourselves to stay out of trouble.  Proverbs 26:17, 1 Timothy 5:13, 1 Peter 4:15
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. Nice post; and nice reminder.

    Any sentence that begins with: "You are not going to believe what {insert mutual friend's name here} has done/is doing now." is a sure sign to run for the hills.

    If I'm not getting it from 'the horse's mouth,' it's nothing I (probably) need to know. I imagine there are exceptions: "We're having an intervention, because so-and-so is really in trouble." would be the only possibility that comes to mind.

    1. Exactly Julie! We all need those kind of friends who challenge and encourage us when we're straying. My husband has this saying, "if you're not going to be a part of the solution, then all you're doing is gossiping". I always keep that in the back of my mind. Thanks! ;-)

  2. So glad you posted this! I have really tried to steer clear of gossip and talk. Its really made a difference in my life. I just try to stick to what I know for sure and mind my own business!

    1. IKR Ashley! It can be tempting, because we as women are natural "gabbers", lol! I'm so thankful for the Holy Spirit, because whenever we get out of line...He clears His throat to let us know we're headed towards trouble. Thanks again Ashley!

  3. Hey, following u from SITS! Follow back plz

  4. Such a great post! I found you at the SITS Sharefest, and I'm really glad I did. So nice to find your helpful and inspiring blog. New follower!

    1. Thanks Pam! I found your blog and am following you back! ;-))

  5. This is the key: "If you always find yourself getting worked up and out of sorts about what others are or aren’t doing…then you just may be a busy body." You hit it on the head in all ways with this post. Thank you for the reminder.

    Visiting from SITS Sharefest! Glad you've joined us!

    1. Thanks so much Lisa...glad to have joined. It's the first blog site I've joined where there's actually interaction. Lol!

  6. Great post! Thank you for keeping it real! Love this line: "Ladies, God has not called us to be the Kingdom “SWAT team”. Trust me, He’s got this – He needs NO help!"

    Made me shout "Amen!"

    Have a great day! Glad I found you on SITS Sharefest!

    1. Thanks Sara Marie! So glad to be connected to such a great group of ladies! And yes, He has to remind me every now and then that...He needs NO help! LOL! ;-))

  7. Always a good reminder. Thanks!

    Happy Sharefest. Have a great weekend.

  8. It's so easy to fall into this habit. I do not have time to keep up with own life, much less the lives of others. :) Great post!

    1. Thanks Adrienne! IKR...with all that we have going on in our lives, I don't see how we even find the time...go figure! Thanks for stopping by!;-)


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