
Five Minute Friday

Thanks to my new cyber friend Denise, I have stumbled onto this new craze in blogger world called “Five Minute Friday”(presented by Lisa Jo-Baker). Anyway, it’s a writing assignment where she gives you a word and for five minutes you write down whatever comes to your mind pertaining to that word. Here goes…

The word this Friday is…FOCUS!

I don’t know if I should be the one writing on focus, because I’ll be the first to admit that
focusing is not one of my strong points. I mean you’re talking about a woman who will wait until the very last minute to get an important assignment done(I’ve convinced myself  though that I work better under pressure and  because of this, my adrenaline flows profusely...and the task at hand will come out better than ever...voila). Ha! Yeah I’ve convinced myself of this – but you know, sometimes it really does work.  Not to mention, I’ve been trying to link this “Five Minute Friday” widget/gadget/button to my blog page ALL morning without  success(keeps saying there’s an error). Some people are good at multitasking, but “oh not I”. I can have 50 million projects to do, but those who know me, know that whichever one has the earliest deadline, that’s the one that gets my FULL attention. I shouldn't sell myself short though, because I do have focus when it comes to fellowshipping with the Lord. I've learned to discipline myself to remain focus during those times. I guess I could train myself to remain focused on life period. Nah, never mind...I kind of like this adrenaline flowing, under pressure way I do things. I guess in a way, it keeps me focused. :-) After writing this post, I’ve discovered that I may have focus after all…who knew? I kind of like this "Five Minute Friday" assignment...think I'll be doing it every Friday. Now, back to this “Five Minute Friday” widget/gadget/button thing… seriously, I need some help!


  1. Ha this post made me smile! You made me think of my mom. She is focused in her scattered way. But it gets done. I love that the Lord makes us all different and treasures all of our quirks. Thanks for sharing! Visiting from 5 minute Friday.

  2. Thanks Kariss! Your mom sounds like a great lady, lol! I also love the way He makes us all special in our own little definitely makes life so much more interesting.;-) Thanks again!

  3. I agree, this 5 minute Friday was a lot of fun. I really like what you said about being able to focus on fellowshipping with the Lord. It reminds me of Martha and Mary and their encounter with Jesus.

    1. Thanks Anne! IKR...I can't wait until next Friday! ;-) Speaking of Martha and Mary, you should read my post entitled "Stop sweating the small stuff". Thanks again!

  4. This post made me smile. I had the same issue with the button and finally just gave up on it. Congrats on your first Five-Minute Friday post!

    1. Thanks Joy! Lol...I finally did the same thing. Hopefully, I'll eventually figure it out, but if it doesn't work...oh well! Thanks again and same to you!;-))

  5. I too am naturally a last minute sort of person but have definitely found power in focus over the years particularly the power of focusing my heart and mind on Christ wherever I am and whatever I'm engaged in. :)

    1. Yes Shannon, God has a way of tugging at us when we lose focus. I so love that about Him!;-)

  6. I LOVE this. I want to do the five minute friday's now. lol

    1. IKR! Go over to I didn't get a chance to do it yesterday, but it's really neat...think you'll enjoy it! Much success with your blogging!

  7. First of all, this is a fabulous blog. I am so glad I found it! Second, I can tell you that needing to work under a time constraint is actually a learning style - so I wouldn't feel bad about it. I always tell the kids in my classroom that certain jobs need pre-planning (like teaching) while others can excel by more in-the-moment strategies (such as politicians or lawyers.) In fact, being able to work in-the-moment is probably preferable because it is more efficient. I hope I gave your idea of "focus" a whole new definition!

    1. Thanks Nothy Lane! I certainly agree! did give me a whole new perspective on "focus"! Thanks for stopping by! ;-))


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