
Are You there God? It's me__________!

God remembers us
Good morning ladies! Do you ever find yourself having one of those days? You know…one of those “does anyone even care” or "is it ever going to get better" kind of days? God tells us in His word that He remembers us. God IS NOT like man! When humans remember someone or something, it's because they have forgotten. God's remembering is on a totally different level! When He says He remembers us, He’s reminding us of His promise to NEVER
abandon us or leave us without assistance and comfort. He will never forsake us, He will never forget us…He will ALWAYS remember us. God never for a moment forgets about His girls – despite the craziness that may be going on around us, no matter where we might find ourselves in this life, or the circumstances we may find ourselves in; even if those situations or circumstances are by the fault of our own hands! Despite all of this, His grace and mercy are new for us EVERY morning; yep, that’s the kind of God we serve! God is right here with us and He’s always aware of our deepest desires, EVEN when we think He’s forgotten all about us! God ALONE is the Creator of us all and because of that He places a high value on every human life and yes that includes yours! So, if you ever find yourself having one of those days where you’re at your lowest point or at your wits end - just speak to yourself that “God IS MINDFUL of me and He ALWAYS has my BEST interest at heart”! Even if you don’t think so…He still remembers YOU!! Psalm 136:23, Genesis 30:22, Psalm 115:12-13, 1 Peter 5:7

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. Hello friend! This is Becky from the (in)Couraged Flock group. Would you like to be a part of our facebook group? It has been a sweet community of ministry wives who pray for one another and encourage each other on this similar road that we are on. If you do, email me at ohappydaye at gmail dot com and I will give you instructions! So glad that you found us!

    1. Thanks Becky! So glad I found you too...headed over to email you now!;-))

  2. Aww I love that Michell! I'm so glad that you have reminded us of Gods great love for us and how he see's us and cares so deeply for us!

    1. Thanks Shari Lynne...yes He does! Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed week!;-))

  3. Oh yes!!! What a beautiful reminder for us all!!! His dreams are better than ours, His love is bigger than ours, His devotion is stronger than ours. Trust in Him...

    1. Hi my friend! Amen, amen!!;-)) Thanks for stopping by!;-))

  4. I ♡ This ! Awesome Reminder ! Thanks 1st Lady Michell

    1. Hey Shenika...thanks so much for stopping by! Glad to see some love from WEZ!! ;-))

  5. What a wonderful reminder! Thanks!

    1. Thanks Ginny Marie...and thanks for stopping by!;-)

  6. What a great reminder. It reminds me of the saying that God's forgiveness is like a vast ocean, and our sins are but only a drop of water to be washed away (or something like that!). I hope you had a wonderful day!

    1. Thanks Leslie...I'm sure that's how it goes! I did and hope you did as well!;-)) Thanks for asking and thanks for stopping by!

  7. Thank you for those words... needed so much today! ;-)

  8. You are so welcomed Kat...thinking about you after reading your beautiful post dedicated to the memory of your daughter. Thanks for dropping by and have a blessed week!;-))

  9. hey there!
    Great post, it's so good to be reminded that I'm not ever forgotten! thank you for sharing. I'm now following you on twitter :)

    1. Thanks Angela! Yes it is, isn't it...He is so faithful! Thanks for stopping by!;-)

  10. Hi Suzette! Thank you and thanks for stopping by!;-)

  11. Wow, every once in awhile I find a blog I can tell I am going to get very familiar with. This is one of those blogs and that is a powerful post that I really NEEDED to read today!

  12. Thanks so much Detox Diva for your encouraging words!! Looking forward to reading more of your blogs as well!;-) Thanks for stopping by!

  13. what a powerful post!
    thanks for the inspiration, reminer and your great insights.

    most definitely something i needed to read today.

    visiting via katherine's corner.

    i just love your blog!

    1. Thanks so much Betty! Thanks for stopping by...heading over to your blog now!;-))

  14. Yes he does! When I begin feeling this way I look deeper in my own life to see if there is any unconfessed sin, most of the time I'm the problem! :)

    1. Oh yes Esther...totally agree! Since He CAN'T be the issue...we must look at ourselves and what we are/aren't doing that could possibly be the problem! Thanks for stopping by!;-)

  15. Newest follower here! I found you through the Monday Mingle! Cute blog, I can’t wait to read more!

    1. Thanks so much!! Thanks for stopping by...headed over to visit your blog now. :-))

  16. hi michell just stopping by to say hi and thanks so much for the follow.

    hope your day is going well.

    following right back!:)

    1. You're welcomed Betty...hope you have a fantastic day as well! Thanks for stopping by!;-)

  17. What a great reminder of His Amazingly Awesome Love for us! The world does give us many causes to forget that we are Cherished and Adored, but He never lets us forget. A simple moment at the Throne is all it takes to be brought back into the reality of the Grace and Favor we have! Beautiful post dear sister! Be blessed!~

    Surrendered to Him~

    1. That's it Rose! We're so distracted by the affairs of this world, we so easily forget...that He is, has been, and will always be there for us! In fellowshipping with Him, He never lets us forget! Our God is absolutely awesome, isn't He?!

  18. I have experienced this many times and on all those times, it was always me who wasn't listening. I guess it really just takes time to learn these things. I still am...

    1. Amen Anne...aren't we all...still learning. Thanks for stopping by!;-)

  19. I think we all have times when we feel God doesn't hear us, but we have to remember that he never leaves our side. Thanks for this encouraging post.

    Stopping by from SITS Girls!

    As Told By Lisa

    1. Thanks Lisa! Yes, it's up to us to remember, because He has already kept His promise! Thanks for stopping by...headed over to your blog now!

  20. Aren't we so blessed to have a God that loves us more than we love ourselves? Thank you Lord! Visiting from SITS!

    1. YES we are!;-)) Yes, thank you Lord!! Thanks for stopping by...headed over to your blog now. Have a blessed day!

    2. @agapewoman...can't find the link to your blog. ;-(

  21. I'm just seeing fhis but a good word is NEVER late.......greatest for the time needed. Thanks and Love You!!! Yoli :-)

    1. Hey Yoli!! Yes ma''s never too late! Sometimes God has to keep reminding us that He already knows and He hasn't forgotten! Isaiah 65:24! Thanks for visiting me over here in the bloggersphere Yoli! :D xoxoxo


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)