
Happy Mothers Day...

parenting and Mothers DayNo, I’m not trying to be facetious, but want to encourage you to not forget the most important part of motherhood – NOT the accolades, recognition of achievements, the hurrahs or praise, BUT the fact that God even gave us children to steward over (watch over, care for, train and love) in the first place. Because He obviously saw something in us that qualified us for this awesome position, we should count it as a GREAT honor! How well we do at it, however, is left up to us. The mother who invests in her child’s life will be the one that child loves and honors. In life there are a few things we must get right the first go around – raising our children happens to be one of them, unfortunately we don’t
get DO-OVERS ladies! Of course we’re not going to get every single thing right, but we must be hell heaven-bent on raising them correctly! It doesn’t matter how we were raised, what preconceived notions we may or may not have on how we’re going to raise our own, what the so-called “experts” have to say, the latest parenting “fad”, or even how our friends are doing it; we as parents ARE OBLIGATED to raise OUR children according to the Word of God! We should always be thankful to Him for entrusting us with our children. Yes, I’ll be the first to admit at times being a mother can be frustrating, difficult and tiring, but anything in our lives worth having is most definitely worth sacrificing and working hard for…and besides, the fact that they love us and are happy and secure…outweighs anything negative! If you don’t know how to raise them according to His Word, ask Him to help you.  Because we can’t recapture time, whatever stage our children are at in life; whether it’s infant, toddler, adolescent, teen or adult, cherish them EVERY chance you get and enjoy EVERY moment…the good, the bad and the ugly! Remember, God graces us for every season we enter into, so don't get frustrated with the season you're in…accept and embrace it! I challenge each and every one of us to show off our mothering prowess today and everyday, and count it as a GREAT thing, not a burden to raise our children!!! III John 1:4, Proverbs 29:15, Proverbs 22:6

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. AMEN! Thanks for the encouragement and the motivation to uphold this ministry of motherhood with both the integrity and passion God instills in us! It's the most honored and highest calling...

    1. Thanks Chris! So true, many people consider mothering a "job", not realizing it's a "ministry" we're held accountable for. Thanks for stopping by!;-)

  2. So glad I found your blog thought the Mommy mingle! I am just now transitioning my blog to include not just fashion, but my faith as well! Your post and blog are inspiring me. I am now following you! If you get a chance to check out my blog and follow me as well that would be awesome! Thank you

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words Marieesbella! Headed over to your blog now and will definitely follow! Thanks again for following and stopping by!;-)

  3. Hi Michelle...thanks for posting this today! I homeschool my children, and even though my husband and I feel that is what God wants us to do, there are times when the days are long and the nerves are short! But this is not a sprint we are in, it's more like a cross country race...following you back from the Mom's Monday Mingle

    1. Thanks Regina! Yep, it's definitely a cross-country we might as well enjoy the run, lol! Thanks for following back, have a blessed day!;-))

  4. Good word sister!!! Amen, Amen and AMEN!!!!!!
    I love it when you "presch" to me :))


    1. Thanks my friend..LOL!;-) Thanks for stopping by lady!

  5. i found your blog thru the naptime review mom's monday mingle and now follow thru gfc. thanks, dear!

    1. Hi Mindy! Headed over to your blog now...thanks for dropping by!

  6. I so appreciate your words! I was trying to spend a few minutes reading my bible and my daughter wanted to show me her routine for the play she's gonna be in. I patiently waited for her to show me her routine and my input and then I just opened my bible and read Psalms 138 & 139. Visiting from SITS.

  7. Thanks so much! You're so right, there are times when our kids shouldn't interrupt us, and times when its okay...there's a balance to everything. The Holy Spirit will let us know when they are in need of our attention- no matter what we're doing-, as not to break their spirits; and when it's okay to tell them not now. Thanks for stopping by...headed over to your blog now.

  8. Such a beautiful reminder! I am really trying to make sure I am soaking them in because time goes by so quickly. Thanks for your inspiring words! :) Stopping by from SITS!

    1. Thanks Paula! Yes, time definitely flies by way too fast! We must cherish them every chance we get. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, giving me the opportunity to see yours. I love your positive, upbeat words, and the reminder to take advantage of my babies! I'm definitely going to enjoy your blog.


    1. Thanks so much Karen! I'm sure I'll enjoy yours as well! Have a blessed week!;-))

  10. Thanks for visiting; I'm returning the favor. I hope you'll take a look at the "30 Day Mom Challenge" that I'm hosting. You might already have a post that you can link up.

    1. Thanks Angie! I'll head back over now and take a look!;-))

  11. Hi Michell, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, and I’m visiting from the Naptime Review.

    Love your words of encouragement and wisdom for mothers! The most important job on earth, I think. I'm raising my six, and it "ain't always easy", but I love it. Love them! Thanks for your counsel....

    Anyway, it’s nice to “meet” you! Hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…

    1. Thanks so much Anne for your kind words! You're so right, "it ain't always easy", but thank God it's so worth it! Thanks for stopping by...I'm headed over to your blog now!;-))

  12. This was perfect; thanks so much for linking up to the 30 Day Mom Challenge!

  13. Thanks Angie and thanks for inviting me! Have a blessed evening!

  14. Thanks for this! I'm here from The Palmetto Queen. I love being a mother and find it the greatest blessing. Thanks for visiting and for sharing your wisdom!

    1. Thanks're welcome! Yes it is one of the greatest blessings! Thanks so much for your kind words and thanks for stopping by!;-))


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)