
Who's foolin' who?

Only a foolish person thinks they have it all together and they don’t need to know or do anything else.  In the Bible, the word “foolish” means conceit and pride; contrary to what we’ve always been taught - it’s not so much a mental deficiency as it is a deficiency in judgment…interesting! Just as wisdom is not so much intellectual ability, but has everything to do with our ability to humbly depend on God for everything. In other words, you can be the brightest bulb on the tree, with all the accolades and degrees, but if you’re constantly making foolish decisions and NOT using the wisdom of God, then you ma’am,
will always come out on the short end of the stick. Or you could be the woman who has no desire to keep learning, the one who does just enough or only that which is required “to just get by”. In both cases, conceit and pride has taken over. A foolish woman is incapable of having good judgment. She is always making decisions that leave those around her shaking their heads and thinking to themselves…”what on earth was SHE thinking"?  Proverbs 3:19 says “The Lord by wisdom founded the earth…”. Wow! In other words, God used wisdom as a tool to get a desired result. So, I ask the question…if Almighty God Himself used wisdom, how on earth do we think we can even function without it? Remember, it is a gift from God…if you lack it, He tells you all you have to do is ask Him for it. James 1:5. I’m not trying to be rude, but from the looks of things, many of us need to be asking Him…like yesterday. We must all admit, we’re witnessing people all around us (including ourselves) make irrational judgments.  So, I challenge you ladies; if you’re tired of getting the same results, tired of crying over spilled milk, tired of beating that dead horse; then STOP doing what you’ve always done - thinking you’re going to get different results and for once get the wisdom of God concerning the matter! Wisdom brings life, wealth, honor and peace, all of which we could use more of. Remember, a wise woman is ALWAYS learning, is open to change, is ready to hear and is pursuing knowledge. Proverbs 4:7, Proverbs 3:13-18

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. Preach it girl!!! Love love this post!!! Great reminder!!!
    Blessings to you!!

  2. Mornin' girlfriend! I can always count on you to make me laugh! Lol! Thanks for stopping by Stacey! Blessings to you as well!;-))

  3. What a blessing!!! I was reading Proverbs this morning and asked God to help me be this woman. I want him to help me see what He has already placed in me. I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman who uses wisdom daily

  4. The Holy Spirit is awesome isn't He. He knows exactly what we need. May we all pray that God gives us wisdom every day for every situation! Thanks for stopping by Kelly!;-)

  5. Oh I needed to read this today!

    1. Hey Ren, good hearing from you! Thank you and thanks for stopping by!;-)

  6. "In the Bible, the word “foolish” means conceit and pride; contrary to what we’ve always been taught - it’s not so much a mental deficiency as it is a deficiency in judgment…interesting! Just as wisdom is not so much intellectual ability, but has everything to do with our ability to humbly depend on God for everything."

    That did it for me right there! That complete and total surrender is my pusuit in life. Everyday is a new lesson and He has so much to teach! Awesome post!~


    1. Yes indeed Rose...did it for me too! Thanks so much for stopping by. Headed over to your blog to get started with the 30 day challenge...can't wait!;-)

  7. We are so deceived. We think we have wisdom when we are really acting foolishly. We sometimes act pseudo spiritual when the wisdom of God is as plain as the nose on our faces. We must look deep within ourselves and become honest. Do we really possess wisdom or are we acting foolishly? Where do we go to possess wisdom? Within ourselves or to the Word of God? Great word. Mrs. Pulliam. Love your blog.

    1. Thanks so much April! Yes, you are so right, we have learned to deceive ourselves. What's the saying? The worse thing about being deceived, is that you don't even know it. So good to have some lovin' from WEZ! Thanks for stopping by!;-))

  8. I love this post! You are so wise and such an amazing writer!

  9. Awww...thanks so much for the encouragement Ashley!! Your kind words blessed me...thanks so much for dropping by!;-)

  10. I love the lesson of changing what you're doing to get a different result! So very true! :)

    1. Hi Galit! IKR...we've conditioned ourselves to think we can actually get different results, although we know we haven't changed our strategy...SMH. ;-)) Thanks for stopping by!

  11. SO beautifully put! What a great reminder and push for us to really look at how we behave and make decisions. Are we truly using His wisdom or ours? Love the scripture here, will write them down and allow God to minister these lessons in my heart. LOVE this post! Thank you!

  12. What a coinky-dink Chris! I was headed over to your blog in a few...too funny! Yes ma'am, we get it twisted sometimes don't we? Trying to pass our wisdom off as His, lol! ;-)) Glad you stopped my friend...headed over to visit you now!

  13. Was this post written for me? I love being smacked right in the face with a challenge. I respond better to straight talk than anything else. Thank you so much for posting this and linking up with Into the Word Wednesday last week. I'm featuring this one this week. Love!!

    1. Wow Kelly! I'm so honored! I just write about what I've learned from experience, lol! You're like me, I learn best when it's "in my face". Also, having my husband as my pastor, didn't help either, lol! He gives it to me straight and that's what I love. It prepares me for life, keeps me honest with myself and keeps me close to Jesus! Thanks again Kelly and thanks for stopping've made my day! Have a blessed one!

  14. Aren't we all foolish in some way? But I agree, if things aren't coming out the way we want to, it's time we did something different. Change is hard but change is always good.

    1. Yep Anne, we are at times! Yes, change is hard, but oh's so worth it! Thanks for stopping by Anne...have a blessed day my friend!

  15. I LOVE this post!!! LOVE it! You are so correct in what you are saying and when I was younger that was a tough lesson to learn over and over and over. One I'm still learning.

  16. Thanks Kelly...ikr, lol! Ah, yes...aren't we ALL still learning! ;-)) Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a blessed evening.

  17. Love this post! Doing the same things over and over again will not get you different results!!

    1. Thanks so much Michelle! So true! Thanks for stopping by...have a lovely weekend!


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