
Nip it in the bud!!

taking responsibilty
 Because we become busy and overwhelmed with life, we sometimes overlook the small things in our lives that if left unnoticed, can grow into something we can no longer control. Song of Solomon 2:15 tells us to “catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our little vines have tender grapes.” Ladies, as we go about our busy days, we must be careful to avoid the small foxes - those little issues in our lives that we
don’t deal with because they seem insignificant now, but later on down the road…they can turn into BIG PROBLEMS! Some of us keep hitting that perpetual brick wall…why? Because we have yet to master those small things, those little foxes, those heart issues that will ultimately trip us up if we refuse to deal with them. You know…your lack of confidence, that you don’t ask God to help you with - can turn into downright unbelief; your refusal to show kindness, if left unchecked - will eventually cause your heart to grow bitter; or that murmuring and complaining, that you don't bridle - can grow into disrespect and dishonor. We’ll eventually get to a place where we WILL have to stop ignoring our issues and face them head on…US AND GOD…one on one. Listen, it is OUR RESPONSIBILITY (with the help of the Holy Spirit) to deal with them – not our relatives, not our friends - but OURS. As my husband would say, “if we’re still dealing with the same issues we’ve dealt with 1, 2 or even 5 years ago…it’s not other people who are the problem, it’s US”. The sooner we realize this, the better off we’ll be. Because our hearts are tender, we were never made to carry such burdens in them. Our Heavenly Father loves us so very much, He desires to see us live in the freedom He has already given us!! God wants His girls to once and for all conquer those little things in our lives that keep us from realizing and experiencing what it truly means to walk in the fullness of Christ! Ladies we must always be aware of those little foxes and catch them before they make big messes in our lives! In the famous words of Barney Fife, we must “nip it, nip it in the bud”. Love you and call you blessed!

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam


  1. What a great post filled with such wisdom for us women! I am convicted to seek those "foxes" in my heart and in my life that if left unaddressed...will soon grow out of control. YES. God calls us to seek truth in our hearts! Psalm 139 comes to mind: Psalms 139:23,24... Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.

    1. Oh yes Chris! It is a process we must do everyday, or it will get out of control. If we don't maintain our hearts, who will? Yes, and I love Psalm 139 too! Thanks for stopping by lady!;-))

  2. AWESOME word my friend..simply AWESOME!!!
    Thank you for sharing and what a great reminder!!

    Love,hugs and blessings to you!!

  3. Thanks Stacey and thanks for stopping by! Love, hugs AND blessings back atcha hon! Lol! ;-))

  4. I've always believed little things have their own importance in our life. Everything begins from something small, even our mistakes and faults.

    1. Yes they do Anne, yes they do. Thanks for stopping by my friend!;-)

  5. “if we’re still dealing with the same issues we’ve dealt with 1, 2 or even 5 years ago…it’s not other people who are the problem, it’s US”.

    Can I use this quote on my blog?

    1. Lol Ren, you most certainly can! Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed day!;-)

  6. a beautifully written brilliant post...i couldn't agree more!
    thank you so much for the great reminder and the inspiration~ most definitely something i needed to read today.


  7. Thanks so much for your kind words Betty and thanks for dropping by!;-)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This is so true, the little things we do not pay serious attention to in order to deal with them soon become foxes that destroy. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Hey Ugochi!IKR...we slip them under the rug, hoping they'll disappear. Thanks for stopping by! ;-)

  11. This one is very true!!! My cousin brother has dug himself deep with the law and we were inn so much doubt that maybe he'll come out of his troubles himself.
    And of course he just got deeper. Now we are taking action and maybe babysitting him and making him realize he has choices now, and the more he chooses to be irresponsible the less choices he has in life.
    It's so funny how i come across stories that hit me hard. This was great!
    Thank you for sharing and stopping by my page!!!

    1. Thanks Jesika! Yes, the more careless we are with our choices, the fewer choices we'll get to make. Thanks so much for stopping by!;-)

  12. Thank you so much for this, it takes true belief in God and allowing his spirit to lead you. Visiting from SITS.

    1. Yes it does doesn't it...:-) Thanks so much for stopping by!:-))

  13. What a great post! I bookmarked this to come back and read from time to time. It is a great reminder that just because something seems small doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be dealt with. I’m visiting from SITS but I can’t wait to continue to check out your blog! :)

    1. Thanks so much Heather for the encouraging words and thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed day!;-)

  14. Thanks for the wisdom, seems always on time. Stopping in from SITS.

    1. Thanks so much Angela and thank you for stopping by!;-)

  15. {Melinda} Oh, how I LOVE this post!! You are so right, my sweet sister in Christ. I have seen and experienced it in my own life. I am trying and praying God will help me to catch those foxes while they are little. In myself. In my marriage. And in my parenting. It makes all the difference. So glad I found you through SITS. Following now!

    1. Thank you so much Melinda! Oh yes, it's so easy to overlook those little foxes in our lives, until they grow up and hit us smack dead in the face. I visited your blog already and it's very informative! Followed you back! Thanks again sis and have a BLESSED weekend! ;-))

  16. Beautifully said. We can all use this reminder at some time. It can be so tough to turn things over to God. But you're so right -- we aren't meant to carry these things. Thanks for the kick!

    Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you so much Robin! No, we weren't made to carry them...;-) Thanks for stopping by, have a blessed weekend!;-))

  17. Oh, thank you so much for this, Michell. I struggle so, so often with my self-worth (which I, unfortunately, often link to my weight). When I let these feelings go unchecked, I find myself bitter, angry, and usually, distanced from God. I needed this ... It really convicted me.

    1. Oh you are so welcomed my dear sis! I'm grateful that something I wrote was a blessing to you, so glad you stopped by! Please feel free to read some of my previous glad you stopped by Katie! Have a blessed week!;-)

  18. Hey, Im one of your newest followers from the blog hop. Im looking forward to reading more of your inspirational post. You can follow me back at

    1. Hey! Thanks so much for the follow...followed you back! Nice blog and very informative, btw! Thanks again for dropping by, have a blessed day!;-)

  19. Thank you for the good words. Your blog is a blessing.

    1. Thanks so much Janice and thanks for stopping by!;-))


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