
$100 Cash Giveaway!! (TWO winners)

Hi ladies! Have I got a giveaway for you! Sponsored by 19 lovely ladies(including myself). This giveaway is hosted by the lovely  Morgan over at Quite the Blog and the lovely Lanesha over at We are The Tabbs. But, before we get to that, I want to remind everyone of my first linky party...YAY... going down this Wednesday at 9:30(a.m. that is). The "Doing You Well Wednesday" link-up. Make sure to check back here Wednesday morning! Come make some new friends, gain some new followers, but most of all...encourage one another! Now on to the giveaway

1. SPONSOR HIGHLIGHT: We Are The Tabbs // 

And now for the moment we've all been waiting for...

The giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. If I won $100, I would first tithe, and give an offering. Then I would maybe pay a bill or two and put it away in my savings.

    1. Sounds like a plan YVG! thanks for stopping by! ;-)

  2. WOW!!! Awesome Michell!!! I gotta get Derek's paypal info and then I will definitely do this!! So excited you have so many blog friends!! YAY! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog decor/revamp! It is absolutely lovely... :)

    1. Thank you Chris, when I saw your new layout, I got inspired! ;-) What a coinky-dinky that you just posted, because I am in the process of sending "that" to you. Thanks for stopping by my friend and thanks for liking my new "look". Have a blessed week lady! ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Scarlett! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  4. Pay part of my son's ER bill...UGH!

    1. ER bills, ughh is right...don't you just hate those? Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week!;-)

  5. I would buy some new fitness gear. It's overdue!

  6. Hahaha why am I not surprised by your answer, lol! Thanks for commenting, have a great day!

  7. Yay cash! I don't have a Facebook anymore though :(

    1. Hey Ren! Doesn't matter,you're pretty good at these giveaways anyway...will be mailing you your bag next week, btw. ;-) Have a great evening!

  8. Wow you are going all out. I would use it to pay bills. I visiting here via the GFC blog hop. I am now following, I subscribed to your feed and I am following on Twitter. I do so hope you can visit me back.

    I hope you have a lovely evening!:-)

    1. Hi Jackie! Thanks so much for dropping by and following...headed to your blog now to return the favor! Have a blessed evening!

  9. awesome giveaway!


  10. Thanks Sabrina, glad you're participating! Have a blessed evening! ;-)

  11. Hi Michell!! It's Mama Leisha! I just wanted to pop by your blog and say thank you for commenting and for following me. I am returning the follow. Your blog is awesome and I'm so glad I visited and read it. Clearly, you are an INCREDIBLE woman. You and I have similar passions...I truly believe that when we strengthen women we strengthen the world. I sincerely hope my blog can do just that--strengthen, uplift, inspire, and reach out to women anywhere. I really love we have that in common. All my best to you, my beautiful new friend. Looking forward to reading more!

    1. Awww, you're too sweet Aleisha, thank you so much...TGBTG!!! Your blog most definitely does!!:-) I'm sure glad we connected and looking forward to reading more of your blog as well! May you have a blessed week my new friend! ;-)

  12. Hi Ehms! Thanks so much for dropping by and following...headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed day! ;-)

  13. Awesome giveaway! New follower via the GFC blog hop!


    1. Thanks Rachel and thanks for stopping by...headed over to your blog! Have a blessed day!

  14. Hello Michell!
    Greetings from Jamaica. You have a wonderful blog here. I wish that I could enter this great give-away but from my greeting you know that I am not from the U.S.A. Thanks for becoming a Follower of my Blog. I am happy to follow back. Enjoy the rest of your day.
    Judy - Judy H-J's Thoughts

    1. Ahhh...wish you could too!:( Thank you so much and thanks for stopping by! May you do the same! ;-)

  15. Replies
    1. Hahaha...IKR! At the rate we're going it'll be just enough to fill your tank, lol! Thanks for stopping by and entering! ;-)

  16. Hi Kisha...thank you so much! Headed to your blog now! Happy New Year to you as well! ;-)

  17. Hi Michell! Thanks so much for becoming a follower through the Sunday linky party! I became a follower through Facebook earlier today, and got curious so I came over here. I found your blog post on marriage, and I want to say a very big "Thank You". You really convicted me on a couple of points! I am now your newest follower on Google, yay!

    1. Thank you so much Sue for your kind words! So glad we connected! Hey, I think I convicted myself on some of those, lol! Thanks again and have a blessed evening!

  18. I absolutely love the purpose for you blog that you have written out in the header! I found you through the hop and am your newest follower. :) Hope you have a great week!


    1. Hi Heather, thank you so much!! Headed over to your blog now! Have a blessed week as well!;-)

  19. Fantastic giveaway! I'm sure it will go a long way to whoever the lucky winner is :)

    1. Hi Anne! Thanks for dropping by and commenting! ;-)

  20. if i won the $100. i would go get my car looked at! Its sitting in the driveway broke down! =( thank you for hosting!

  21. Hey Christin! So sorry to hear that...hey, I'll just believe that God will give you a brand new one! ;-) Thanks for entering! ;-) Have a great day!

  22. Hi Melissa! Thanks so much for dropping by...headed over to your blog now! Have a great week!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)