Mastering YOU Monday...when life happens

using Godly wisdom and growing your faith
When life throws us a curve ball and discouragement, hopelessness or depression hits -and don’t let the world fool you- WE ALL have gotten bit by that bug before.! When they hit, like the water in the throat of a drowning swimmer out in the waters wailing for his life…we can do one of two things. Let the waters of the residue of this life overtake us, or fight with all we have until that “out of nowhere” rescuer comes to our aid. At those moments we have to make a split decision as to what
we’ll choose. Because I know Whose I am, the magnet in my soul draws me towards Him, that “out of nowhere” rescuer.

He’s always showing up when we least expect it to give us encouragement! We then come to our senses and recognize the only reason discouragement or depression has seeped their ugly heads into our thought process, is because somewhere along the way we forgot. We forgot all the many blessings He has given us, we forgot to put in our  “Thankful Jar” that thing – no matter how small – we’re most grateful for, we forgot to think on His goodness, we forgot to acknowledge His Word...fall back on His wisdom or take the time to praise His Holy name! We recollect in our mind His goodness and grace and mercy and faithfulness towards us and our loved ones. Then and only then are we able to steer our lives back onto the path of serenity, resting in Him and being able to take on whatever life throws our way.  

Just as our bodies begin to break down when we don’t maintain it, so does our spiritual lives when we neglect to take care of it! No it’s not rocket science y’all, for we all know why our lives get off kilter. It’s just that we don’t want to do what it takes to maintain and keep it.

So what are those things you need to do (within the time frame of you drowning in your despair and when your help comes from the Lord)? First and foremost have an attitude of gratitude! We may not have all we want, but we should be thankful for what we do have and it’s still WAY better than having nothing at all. Set aside time(preferably in the morning) to meditate on God’s Word…it really does make a difference! Think of others…record scratches! Yes, think of others. Studies prove that when we put others before ourselves, it actually makes us feel good…besides, it is “The Golden Rule”! Grow your faith…it’s by faith you’ll be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  As hard as it may be, train yourself to stop negativity at the door. Don’t let it enter your spirit and don’t let it come out of your mouth. Your thoughts and your words set YOUR environment…you really do have the power to create your own reality. Last, but certainly not least, know right now that God has your very best interest at heart…He really is concerned with that which concerns you! 

using Godly wisdom and growing your faith

As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, these habits don’t happen overnight. We must will ourselves AND we must practice them, just like we practice playing a musical instrument or riding a bike. Some of us may have to retrain ourselves...totally changing the way we think. But there’s no better time to put these in action than now! These are all steps to us mastering life!

I’m not sure about you, but I’ve decided this day to embrace and thank God for the beautiful life He’s given me and the wonderful people He has placed in it! I’ve committed to drawing on the joy of the Lord, for the Bible says that it(the joy of the Lord) is my strength! I'm determined to stay on the pathway to mastering my life. So when you feel yourself slipping into that abyss of despair, remind yourself of every good and perfect thing He’s given you, His faithfulness and mercies towards you...thank Him for and meditate on those things! 
 Psalm 63:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Nehemiah 8:10, Luke 6:31, Mark 12:30-31, 2 Corinthians 4:13

FYI...the $850 giveaway is still going on!! If you haven't entered yet, you can HERE!!
Also, "Doing YOU WELL Wednesday" will go live 11:30pm Wednesday night!
All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2014 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” by Michell Pulliam

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  1. People often ask me how I stay so positive when things have gone wrong in my past (and oh my have they gone wrong!), and I always tell them the same thing. I keep looking for the silver linings.
    Sure, my son has been diagnosed with autism, but you know what? I've learned SO much from him being his own self. I've learned patience, I've learned understanding, and I've learned to celebrate every teeny tiny step he's accomplished.
    He may have woken last night at 2.30am coughing and not gone back to bed, but you know what? Keeping him off school and us having a day just-we-two has been really lovely and not something we get much of any more. He's happy and calm after having had a snooze, and in a very cuddly mood!
    My older son may have gotten into trouble at school today, but this is a learning experience for him, and although he's upset with himself right now, I know that he'll know better for next time he's in a similar situation.
    Seeing the positives. Seeking them out, even!
    The hardest most difficult times I've had have been those where I've lost sight of those things.
    (coming over from the SITS Tribe Building group. :)

    1. Hey Marylin!! Thanks so much for sharing your story!! Yes, our trials do make us better people don't they? The saying is so true...if it doesn't break us, it sure will make us stronger! I've got a cousin who has two children with autism and she lost her husband a few years ago. But I can say I've never seen her without a smile on her face. I agree with you, we must see the silver lining and the positives, or we'll be consumed! Thanks again for sharing and thanks for stopping by...headed over to your blog now! Have a wonderful week!

  2. I love your 'note to self'. It is beautifully designed and the verse if wonderful.
    It is so true - it must become a habit for us.
    This is a beautiful quote : "but I’ve decided this day to embrace and thank God for the beautiful life He’s given me and the wonderful people He has placed in it!"
    Have a wonderful and blessed day!

    1. Thanks so much Kate for your kind words!! Yes, we do have to practice it until it becomes second nature! Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a blessed day as well!

  3. You are so right, Michell - focusing on others does make us feel better. I think self-centered thinking is what makes us most miserable. Of course, when we are upset/stressed because of a loved one in pain, that is a bit harder. But trusting that there is a silver lining (as Marilyn commented) can give me that little bit of hope I need to keep moving forward.

    1. Ah yes Seana...being self-centered sure can make us miserable! :-) All we need to see is just a peek of light, then we'll know there is hope! Thanks so much for dropping by my friend...have a wonderful evening!!

  4. I'm visiting from the SITS Tribe Building Challenge! Very inspirational post! :)

    1. Thanks so much Angel...looking forward to connecting with you! Have a good one! :-)

  5. I heard a similar message in church yesterday and feel like God must be trying to tell me something. It is so easy to get focused on what we don't have instead of guarding our hearts with gratitude. Thank you for the reminder. Visiting from the SITS Tribe Building Challenge!

    1. He is awesome that way isn't He Aja?! :-) Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to getting to know you through the SITs tribe challenge! Thanks for stopping by...have a blessed evening! :-)

  6. Yes, we have ALL been there! I like your ideas on how to improve our outlook when bad circumstances overwhelm us. Also, I like how you point out how we have to work on our spiritual health just like we need to work on our physical health. Lovely words, my friend. XOXO

    1. Hey there Meredith! Yes girl, it is a work in progress isn't it, lol! Thanks so much and thanks for stopping by...have a good one my friend! ;-) xoxoxo

  7. It's so true that in the midst of despair we often forget that God is right there and just like He delivered us before and constantly blesses us, He'll do it again. We, just like you stated, have to be grateful and stop thinking about ourselves. Great reminder.

    1. He does doesn't He Hope...constantly blesses and delivers us! Never forsaking us! Thanks so much lady...have a wonderful evening!!

  8. This hits so close to home today and what I needed to hear. Thank you, beautiful sister!

    1. Hey there Ash!! Oh, I'm so glad you were blessed by it...thanks so much Ashley! Love ya! :-)

  9. Hi Michell! I really love that idea of gratitude. I know that God knows whats best for me, but often, I don't think he really does! Trouble comes, and I think he's forgotten me. So much better to thank him for his love, and be willing to be taught, or learn patience.

    Valuable lesson today for sure.

    I have a new blog home! I am now at It was a hard change, but I hope to love it!

    1. Hey Ceil!! Yes, THANK GOD He knows what's best, huh? We sure don't have a clue do we? LOL! Yayy, can't wait to see it...headed there now!! Have a blessed evening my friend!

  10. Hi Michell! Beautiful words! Gratitude really is the key to contentment. Just the post I needed to read today! I was just thinking about myself that I needed more gratitude and less attitude! Oh, and I'm a Carolina Girl, too!

    1. Thanks so much!! Yes it is!! He sure does hear our prayers...awesome! ;-) Thanks so much for stopping by...have a wonderful day! Whoop whoop for the "Carolina Girls" ! :-D

  11. Wow...Just WOW!!!! Hit the mark for me!!! Thank you sista girl for such a great post :))
    Love ya!! ((((hugs))))

    1. Hey girl!! Thank're so welcome!! I guess we ALL needed to hear this, huh? :-) Love ya back lady! ((((hugs)))) back atcha! ;-)

  12. These traits are easier said than done. I have to focus on being grateful. No matter how blessed we are, we desire something different (in my case marriage :))! Thanks for the encouragement. I will be pinning this!

    1. Hey Joi! I know, don't we all! :-) You're welcome hon...thanks for the support! :-)

  13. Reminding myself to nurture my spiritual life. Don't want any decay here!

    1. Lol, EXACTLY Mylah! NO decay! Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  14. michell, your post gave me such a smile today. it's such an important message you share when you say we must practice our faith every day. last year was really hard for me because of the two miscarriages i had. but when i think about them, i now thank the Lord because he blessed me with life. i lost one baby, then almost immediately he gave me another. i lost that baby, and once again he immediately gave me this one that i'm carrying. back-to-back-to-back. was God trying to tell me something? i think the message couldn't have been more clear. that he loves me and he wiped away my tears by blessing me with a new baby each time. my heart is full with love and blessings from God.

    1. Awww...I'm so glad it blessed you Catherine! Yes, He loves us madly my friend and He has our very best interest at heart! So happy for you and your hubby! Blessings! xoxoxo

  15. This is a great post Michell. I really like the attitude of gratitude. That is definitely something I need to work on! And I will! :)-Ashley

  16. Thanks for sharing this! Praise God that He works all things together for our good, so it is fitting to give thanks in all things! God bless,

    1. Yes He does Laurie! Thanks so much for stopping by...blessings my friend! ;-)

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Such good encouragement and wisdom here, Michell. Now I'm off to add a few more blessings to my gratitude journal. We have so many reasons to thank Him.
    Much love,

    1. Thanks Beth! Haha, me too! Yes we do, don't we my friend. Love ya! xoxo


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