A.t.t.i.t.u.d.e. is EVERYTHING...

 I've been on this earth 44 years and one thing I know to be true - as women, we are very influential beings.  Because of this, we can’t ever make the mistake of taking our positions for granted. You should never expect that love and satisfaction comes because you are a “wife” or “soon to be” wife. NOPE, sorry ladies…everything we have, we have to work at and it will ALWAYS be a work in progress!  

NEVER count on the fact that a man will love and cherish you because it’s his “duty”.

As you read this, please don’t go on the defense. Remember, this devotional is about “US” being honest about the things “WE’’ as women do and say. Think about it…do we REALLY have a right to expect our men (or anyone else for that fact), to even like us, when so many times we can be so unattractive (I don’t mean in how we LOOK, but how we ACT)? Unfortunately at times, if we act too ugly, we begin to look the part. We have to earn, and yes I said EARN, every smile, every kind word and every sweet expression. No one is EVER obligated to take our “junk”! We should always pray that we can always remind them of that “THING” that first attracted our mates to us. Remember, the sweeter we are to them, the more they love us! Don’t lie, the more they love us…the more we love ourselves. If you ever want to capture (win) your husband’s heart, you must become and remain loveable! You may not be married now, but if you're planning to be... there's no time like the present to get ready! I’m speaking to my single girlfriends as well, because this principle works for ALL relationships. You may be saying to yourself, "yes, but I don’t want to be fake”. Who said you have to be fake, but you should be Christlike! There’s no getting around it ladies; in order for us to go to the next level, we must be willing to take the steps to get us there! Recapture your inner beauty GIRLFRIENDS…you’ll feel so much better about yourself!!
Proverbs 11:22

Linking up today with the lovely Joi over at Rx Fitness Lady

All Rights Reserved copyright© 2012-2013 Michell Pulliam “Prowess and Pearls” Devotionals by Michell Pulliam

Having a blast serving Him !


  1. This was hard to read because it made me say OUCH quite a few times! I often say it takes a very special person to live with and love, cherish and honor me. I'm definitely a work in progress and am thankful for the growth and growing pains I've experienced. So glad you linked this up with the Mini Blog Challenge! It was on time for me! #MBC

  2. Yes Michell! Sometimes, our flesh gets in the way, and we really want to be defensive and retaliate against how we are or are not treated. However, it is so important that we check our attitudes at all times - because we should be reflections of HIM. Thank you so very much. Have a blessed day!

  3. Hum, did the fellas get together and conspire to influence us through your wonderful words of wisdom:) Advice is noted as usual my dear! Thank you!

  4. "...in order for us to go to the next level, we must be willing to take the steps to get us there!" Lawd don't I know it! So hard to move heavy feet. Stopping by from #MBC. Feel free to link up with me at www.be-quoted.com


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