Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #33

an encouragement link up promoting community
Hey everyone!!  Welcome to week #33 of “Doing YOU WELL Wednesday”! For everyone who missed the linky-party last week…what do you think about the NEW design? Because this linky-party is all about encouraging you, starting today, I’ll be promoting two blogs per week. Don’t forget to drop by each week to see if it’s you! This week I’m promoting two bloggers who are having blog challenges over at their lovely blogs, so I thought I'd start with them this week.
First up is my girl Joi, over at “The Rx Fitness Lady”, who is hosting her "7 Day Mini Blog Challenge" this entire week and Kimberly, over at “Being a Wordsmith”, who is hosting her "September Sapphire Even Day Blog Challenge" the entire month of September. So bloggers, if you’re in a blogging slump or just looking to re-energize your blogging bug, why not consider participating in these challenges.

As always, I THANK YOU GUYS for stopping by here every Wednesday to encourage ME…I do appreciate it!  You all know the rules(which really aren’t rules at all), lol! 1) Link up any post(s) you’d like 2) Share with us what you’re “doing well” 3) Visit some more blogs in the link-up and give them some encouragement by showing some comment love…if you like them, why not follow them. I know they’ll follow you back, because ANYONE who links up to this party has integrity 4) Let them know you’re dropping by from “DYWW” 5) Last, but not least, if you follow me through any of my social media, please let me know in your comment so I can follow you back. Don’t forget to join me Friday for “Michell’s Weekly Pearl”. That about sums it up y’all! Until next week…I CALL YOU BLESSED!! 

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  1. YAY!! I can't wait to link up tomorrow!! Just wanted to stop by and give you a BIG OL' VIRTUAL HUG!! :) I will post tomorrow morning...

    1. HEY CHRIS!! Awww...I RECEIVE IT my friend!! BACK ATCHA Girlie!(((( ))))

  2. thanks so much for the party each week...Hope you have a great week!

    1. Hey Amila!! You're so welcome...thank you for dropping by and joining in! May you have a GREAT week as well lady! ;-)

  3. It's always good to see you here Mitchell; I always feel uplifted by your energy and joy! Blessings for a week full of praise and thankfulness sis!


    1. Hey Denise, thank you...likewise my friend!! ;) AMEN sis, I receive it...praying the same for you!! Blessings! ;-)

  4. Thank you for the love for both our challenges!

  5. Thanks for hosting Michell! Have a wonderful Wednesday.

    1. Hey Judy! You're welcome...thank you for linking up! Have a wonderful rest of your week!

  6. Hi Michell. Thanks for the fantastic party! You are so sweet to encourage and help different blogs each week!


    1. Aww...thanks Heather!! You're welcome my friend, thanks for joining in!! Blessings to you as well! ;-)

  7. Thanks for hosting Michell, hope you're having a good one!

    1. Hey Jenn! Welcome, thanks for linking up! I am...hope you are as well! :-)

  8. Hi Michell, appreciate the party, hope you can stop by as well.

    Oh My Heartsie Girl

    1. Hey Karren! Thank you...I appreciate you stopping by to join in! I'll head over in a few!

  9. Blessings to you Michell! Thanks for always hosting us. I'm looking forward to visiting others a little later today. Doing You was a more productive week at work for me so feeling good about that. I have a hard time focusing lately so a productive week has me grateful!

    1. Hey there Beth!! You're so welcome my friend! I know what you mean...when there's a lot going on, I can get distracted too! So yes, you should definitely be grateful, lol! Kudos to you lady! ((( ))) to you!! ;-)

  10. Hi Michell! Thanks for being the always fabulous hostess! Love your new blog header! I hope you are having a great week!! XOXO

    1. Awww shucks...thanks Ema!!:-) My old one was so massive, I had to scale it down...glad you like it, thank you! I am and hope you are as well my friend! XOXO

  11. Thanks for hosting Michell...and spreading the love! I had a good, all out, laying prostrate before God, bawl from the belly prayer this morning. Doing me well :)

    1. You're welcome Hope, thanks for linking up! Oooooweeee girl...that's what I'm talking about! I'm jealous, lol!! Yes my friend...I'd say you did yourself WELL!! :-)

  12. Michell, you are so sweet! I'm coming over here late tonight to link up and I find all this love from you. That's my Doing You Well Wednesday! God has been speaking to me this week through so many blog posts. He's been using people to share words of wisdom with me and point me in the right direction. Phenomenal! Thank you. I am so appreciative.

    1. Awww...thanks Kimberly, you are so welcome my pleasure!! Don't you love that about Him! He knows just what we need and how much we need of it! Yes it is PHENOMENAL! Have a wonderful rest of your week!! ;-)

  13. Michell, I hope you are having a great week. I'm so happy tomorrow's Friday! I hope you enjoy your day tomorrow. My little one had a cold and has finally recovered from it. -I'm so happy, I'm used to seeing her with so much energy, and just being happy. :) Have a wonderful rest of your week~


    1. Hey Stephanie!! Yes ma'am...TGIF!! So glad your little angel feels better! Thanks for linking up my friend...have a wonderful weekend!!

  14. Hey Ms. Michell! Happy Friday! I'm running late on everything this week. Those two challenges have been working me over, but I have definitely enjoyed them. My DYW has been to keep up with it all, posting, commenting, reading, following... I need another vacation!

    Have a great weekend, Michell!

    1. Lol, girl I know what you mean! I don't how Joi did it! Yes, I'd say that is definitely DYW!! Haha another vacation indeed my friend! Thanks for stopping by Alison...have a wonderful weekend!!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)