Showing posts with label contentment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contentment. Show all posts

Throw your hands up, throw your hands up!

Sometimes we have to sit down, take a breath and regroup. Especially when we find ourselves starting to complain and gripe about our lives…where we are and what we are or aren’t doing. If no one else will say it, I will. In general, we as women tend to do this more often than men. I don’t know why…but we do. Single women want to be married, wives want to be single. Working mothers want to be at home with their children, stay-at-home moms want to go to work. Where does it end? When we start to

Throw your hands up!

dealing with frustrationWhen you’re frustrated because you’re dissatisfied or discontent, with where you are in life; all you have to do is “throw your hands up”, not out of your frustration, but out of your thankfulness to the Lord! When we find ourselves getting into that “ornery mode”(some of us more than others…and YES, that includes Believers) ;-)…you know, that  mode when we’re grumpy and ungrateful and no one can talk to us, lest they get their head chewed off. It’s during those times when God has a funny way of bringing back to our remembrance ALL the things we should be