"Doing YOU WELL Wednesday #23...I'm baaack!!

an encouragement link up and my aunt Sarah Mae Flemming
So glad to be back…missed you guys!!! Can't believe I didn't blog, didn't check my emails AND stayed off social media for two whole weeks! Time sure flew by. As some of you may know, I took a MUCH NEEDED break from the internet. There’s so much to catch up on and so many blogs I have to visit!  While I was gone, I wasn’t just sitting around with my feet propped up eating bonbons, you know…I was busy! So, on this “Doing YOU WELL Wednesday” link-up, I’d like to share with you what I’ve been up to over the past two weeks.

Some of you might have read my post about my Aunt Kitty(Sarah Mae Flemming) entitled, “A Silent Strength”. If you haven’t, you should…it’s a GREAT history lesson! Well, I’m so proud to say that on Friday, June 28th, on what would have been her 80th birthday, she was honored by the city of Columbia, SC, with a street naming ceremony! Now, the corner of Main and Washington Streets in downtown Columbia, is officially named “Sarah Mae Flemming Way”. Whoopwhoop! God is so good! It was a very moving ceremony and we were
definitely a proud family! It was an awesome tribute for an outstanding woman! The mayor, the county chairman and my aunt's grand daughter were speakers and It was covered by all of the local networks.  A reception for the family was held afterwards at the Sheraton Columbia Downtown Hotel. This event wouldn't have taken place had it not been for the efforts of Columbia SC 63. You can view more pictures of the event and follow them HERE on Facebook.
oan encouragement link up and my aunt Sarah Mae Flemming
A picture of my aunt and her attorneys coming from the court house
an encouragement link up and my aunt Sarah Mae Flemming

an encouragement link up and my aunt Sarah Mae Flemming
Activities from the day. The signed resolution for the honorary street naming. Mayor Benjamin and my cousin speaking. My dad and his siblings. My husband with the mayor. Me and the kids getting our chance to take a picture with the larger-than-life photo of Aunt Kitty.

Later on that day we traveled 3 1/2 hours to Raleigh/Durham, NC to the historical Hayti Center for a book signing and lecture given by our good friend Dr. Greg Jones. He promoted his book “JOB: A Man for His Time, a Man for Our Time, a Man for All Time”. A great read btw! The lecture was great and the fellowship was awesome! You can visit his website HERE.  We didn't get in bed until...hmmm, let's just say, the same time kids get up to go to school! But, we so enjoyed ourselves!

Inside the beautiful historical Hayti Center. Dr. Jones giving his lecture and signing his book. Dr. Jones with some of the attendees and Dr. Jones with my husband.

And last, but certainly not least(as if we weren't ALREADY sleep deprived)…the very next day(well actually, later on that day) the Pulliam household packed up our entire house and moved to our new home. Yaaaayyy!! Can.you.say.EXHAUSTED! In two days, I had the entire house unpacked; dishes put away, pictures on walls, keepsakes on shelves, etc. Didn’t they tell you…I.don’t.do.the.living.out.of.boxes.thing! I can't, I refuse! Lol! You know, I’ve thought about opening a business where I go into other people's homes and unpack their belongings, so they never skip a beat! Believe me, there’s nothing worse than living out of boxes. I’m sure I could make some big bucks, don’t cha think? :-)
My two favorite views from our new home; the humongous weeping willow in the front yard and the view of the lake in the backyard.

God has been absolutely awesome to us in this season(not that He’s never awesome towards us), but this season has been particularly special; a season of rest for us! Sounds funny huh, considering we’re in the midst of all this busyness!? We’re in a great place in our lives right now and I’m so grateful! This is certainly the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes!! Psalm 118:23(I so LOVE this scripture)

Now that I've caught you up on what I've been doing for the past two weeks, do tell us what you've been up to while I was gone! Can't wait to hear! Don't forget to link-up, visit some blogs in the link-up and show some lovin' and encouragement! And please do come back Friday for a new question I'll be answering on "Michell's Weekly Pearl".

Until then, God bless!!

Having a blast serving Him !




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  1. It is such a blessing to see that your aunt will receive the recognition that she so deserves. Congratulations! Good to have you back. I am just getting in from vacation and DYWW is a wonderful welcome back. Also, many blessings in your new home!

    1. Hey Trinity! It's so good to be back!! Thank you so much, it was a perfect day...the weather and the ceremony itself! Hope you had fun on your vacation my friend! Thanks for dropping by and linking up...blessings to you!

  2. Hi Michell,
    Nice having you back. Great to link up again. I'm looking forward to seeing what others have to share.
    Bye for now, Darlene


    1. Thanks so much Darlene! I'm glad to be back! Thanks for linking up...have a good one!! ;-)

  3. Welcome back Mitchell! Wow, you have been busy sister! What a blessed honor for your Aunt and family; congratulations! And on your new home as well; beautiful pics! I love how you are overflowing with a thankful attitude for God's good grace and blessings! :)

    Have a joyful week!

    1. Hi Denise! Thanks so much my friend and YES I was, lol! It was a wonderful event and it's great to finally be settled in. He has been so wonderful to us and I'll forever be grateful to Him! Thanks so much for dropping by and linking up today, sweet friend! Have a blessed week!

  4. so glad you shared about your amazing aunt.

    1. Thank you Denise and thanks so much for linking up!

  5. Thank you for sharing your Aunts story!

    1. Thanks so much Donna! Glad you stopped by and linked up!

  6. Hi Michell. Looks like you had a wonderful time these past 2 weeks! I was gone for 2 weeks also on a mission trip to Thailand, it was amazing as well.

    Thanks for the party and have a beautiful day!


    1. Hi Heather! I sure did, thanks!! How awesome was that, a mission trip...can't wait to read about it! Thank you for dropping by and linking up...have a beautiful day as well!

  7. Loved this post! Thank you for hosting the link-up each week as well.
    Have a great Wed.!

    1. Thanks so much and thanks for linking up today! Have a great rest of your week! ;-)

  8. Amazing wonderful day for your aunt's legacy to be remembered by the public!!!!! And you're like me, I'm all about getting those boxes unpacked and making it "my home." I linked a post about a friend who passed away last week, a Native American who left quite a legacy as well.

    Hugs ~ Mary

    1. Yes it was wonderful Mary, thank you!! IKR...I just can't do it, it has to feel like home to me! So sorry to hear about your friend, I'll be sure to head over and read it. Thanks for linking up...have a lovely rest of your week!

  9. What an amazing & blessed two weeks! I don't like the whole living out of boxes thing either. Have a blessed week.

    ~ Osh

    Sun-Kissed Peony

    1. Hi Osh!! Thank you so much and thanks for linking up today! May you have a blessed week as well! ;-)

  10. Welcome back. Missed you! What an amazing honor for your aunt to be recognized in that way...very deserving...and a wonderful legacy for your family.
    You definitely were busy with all that traveling...I can't believe you packed, moved and totally unpacked in such a short time. you must be exhausted. Whew! I'm exhausted just thinking about it. But those beautiful views from your new home looks like it was worth it! Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Thanks...missed you too my friend!! Thank you Hope, it was a very moving ceremony. Hahaha...yes I am, but it's definitely a good exhaustion...if there is such a thing, lol! Yes, those views make it all worth it! Thanks so much for linking up...may you enjoy the rest of your week as well!! ;-)

  11. How awesome!!! I wish you'd told me about the street naming ceremony - I would have definitely loved to attend! Welcome back - you were missed :)

    1. Ughh Michelle...I didn't even think of it! So sorry my friend, would have loved for you to have been there! Thanks so much...it's great to be back!;-) Thanks for linking up...have a wonderful evening!

  12. Wow! Wow! Wow! What an amazing break you have had! Welcome back, we missed you!

    I love the your Aunt's story. What an amazing woman and how awesome for you all to be there for the street naming! What an honor!

    The views from your house are beautiful!! When can we all come over? ;)

    Have a wonderful day!! XOXOXO

    1. Thank you Emily!! Missed you guys too! It was definitely an honor for her family! Thanks so much...whenever you're in Columbia, let me know, lol! Thanks for linking up Emily...have a wonderful evening!!

  13. Welcome back! Thanks for the link up!

    1. Thanks Ren and thanks for linking up my friend! Have a good one!

  14. I LOVE the story of your aunt and the street naming ceremony is too cool!

    1. Hey Bekah! Thanks so much...it was an awesome experience! ;-) Thanks for stopping by and linking up!

  15. WOW Michell!!! What an incredible two weeks you spent doing some AMAZING celebrations! I missed you sweet friend!!! What a BEAUTIFUL home you now have... so so happy you are so blessed!!! And the honor of the street name for your aunt is absolutely AWESOME!!! What a treasure that woman was.

    1. Awww...missed you too lady!! It was a PACKED two weeks! Thanks so much Chris for your well wishes my friend! Yes, she was definitely a treasure!! :-) Thanks for dropping by and linking up...have a lovely evening!! ;-)

  16. Wow Michell! What an awesome 2 weeks. I'm so happy for your family, that is a huge honor & thank you for sharing. Congrats on moving to your new home & YESSS to the business. I'd hire your company in a heartbeat. I take forever to unpack from vacation. We missed you last week dear. Happy to have you back. I'm gearing up for the Centenniel this weekend!

    1. Hey Joi!! Thanks so much lady...it was truly an honor! Too funny...you can be my first client, lol! So glad to be back girl...missed you all too! Whoopwhoop...have fun this weekend and congrats!! As always, thanks for linking up...have a good one! ;-)

  17. Michell, what an awesome honor to see your aunt given the props she deserves, and in such a positive and life-affirming way! Glad that you were able to participate and enjoy the ceremonies. As for moving, kudos to you! I know you need a vacation from your vacation now! LOL!

    1. Thanks so much Alison! It was a great celebration, she would have been so proud! YES, I need a REAL vacation now! Perhaps a staycation(that way, I won't have to pack anything), lol! Thanks for linking up...have a lovely evening!

  18. Welcome back! Thanks for hosting & God bless!

    1. Thanks so much Laurie and thanks for linking up...have a wonderful evening!

  19. Welcome back Michell. Blessings are certainly overflowing! I have to be the worst unpacker. It is a joke in my house how long I take to unpack. My husband usually gives up on me doing it and takes care of it for me. He is my blessing. What an incredible honor for your aunt. I feel like a part of history just because you shared her story with us.

    1. Aww...thanks so much! It was definitely a surreal event...almost 60 years after the incident! Too funny about your unpacking(or the lack thereof), lol! Yes, our husbands are a blessing aren't they! ;-) Thanks for linking up...have a wonderful rest of your week!

  20. Welcome back Michell! I am happy to read about all the wonderful things that have been happening for you and your family - your aunt having a street named after her and you and your family moving to a new house! Great! To God be the glory. I wish you and your family continued good things and happiness. Thanks for hosting and enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Yes Judy...to God be the glory for the marvelous things He has done! Thanks so much for your well wishes my friend...same to you! Thanks for linking up and may you enjoy the rest of your week as well! :-)

  21. Welcome back!! Sounds like you had a fabulous time. Thanks for hosting this wonderful party and being such a great inspiration.

    1. Hi Sande! Thanks so much, I did! :-) Thank you for stopping by and linking up...may you have a wonderful weekend!!

  22. Welcome back. Glad that you had such a wonderful time. Love your pics.

    1. Hi Patrick! Thanks so much my friend and thanks for linking up...have a great weekend! ;-)

  23. Welcome back! Looks like you had a wonderful time~ Glad to see you are back, have a wonderful weekend with your family.


    1. Hi Stephanie! Thanks so much...glad to be back! ;-) May you do the same lady! ;-)

  24. Hi Michell, We have been gone for almost a month. I took big brake from blogging and I stopped by to say hello. But I end up reading an uplifting story of your aunt, how awesome is that? Congrat to the whole family and the street. See you soon, my friend!

  25. Hi Sara! I do apologize for just seeing this...don't know how I missed it! Anyway, thanks so much! It was definitely an honor for our family! Thanks for stopping by...have a wonderful upcoming week my friend!


Thanks so much for dropping by...I really appreciate it! Please check back for a response to your comment, as I post all responses to comments here on the blog, not via email. Please note, as this is a Christian blog...any comment that contains offensive and/or inappropriate language will be sent to the authorities...NAH, but seriously though, they WILL BE deleted. :-) Have a great day...I call you blessed! ;-)